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Thread: Viewing picture EXIF data.

  1. #1
    thegman's Avatar
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    Viewing picture EXIF data.

    Hi, can someone please tell me how to view the shooting data for pictures that are posted on the forum.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Viewing picture EXIF data.

    Try using this site, Gerry

    Just copy the image address then go to that site and paste into the appropriate box. But that won't help if the information has been removed during editing for uploading, which can happen with some software.

    At one time I was able to simply right click an image and select Properties for a limited amount of Exif detail; but since upgrading my software I appear to have lost that option.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing picture EXIF data.

    Hi Gerry,

    If you use the FireFox browser, one of the advantages is the availability of a right click EXIF viewer as Geoff mentions, not as complete as the link Geoff gave (which I also use), but a bit quicker to read, as it limits the return to what you're most likely interested in; mainly the camera info.

    So just look for EXIF Viewer v2.00 available as an Add-On from Mozilla.

  4. #4
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Viewing picture EXIF data.

    Do not fret if you cannot see the EXIF for all images posted.

    Sometimes the EXIF is removed.

    The removal might not be a major intent of the author, but simply a part of the processing, for example I usually use a "save for web" function in my post production programme and that action strips the EXIF from the image.

    However I often put the Technical Specs underneath the image. If the EXIF is stripped and it is important to you to know, I think most members here would tell you, if they were asked.


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