I wont post any of mine John. I had one go for 1/4 hr in a cold strong wind and gained ear ache for my troubles. On m 4/3 at 300mm, finding them was fun and the focus sailed straight through on some attempts. Being fair they were white and the background was rather grey and just to make life easier they were coming more or less straight at me. Didn't check the preview and ISO was way too high.
Your shots look pretty good to me. Not sure what lens you are using but my 2x converter came of some one shooting with one of the to 300mm zooms and AF wouldn't work at longer lengths. It seems to be OK on F4 lenses on a D7000.
I will post one to show you what I mean. Way too much noise reduction needed. I should have waited until they were closer too as this is about 1/3 crop.