Untitled by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr
I don't have anything at all to say about this piece.
Let it be whatever it is to you.
Untitled by Sharon Reid2010, on Flickr
I don't have anything at all to say about this piece.
Let it be whatever it is to you.
Sharon, I like the artistic effect.
You are indeed a complex individual. "And that's all I got to say about that." Forrest Gump
the title and imagery says it all. Nicely done.
Excellent again
I think there is too much going on in there for it to be barren. But it does look sodden.
'Sodden'...now there's an alluring title!
The image itself looks like a survivor from the first world war. Great imagination as always Sharon.
The image itself looks like a survivor from the first world war. Great imagination as always Sharon.