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Thread: Godzilla (Marine Iguana) - Galapagos - Set 11

  1. #21
    Otavio's Avatar
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    Santos, Sao Paulo, Brazil
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    Otávio Oliveira

    Re: Godzilla (Marine Iguana) - Galapagos - Set 11

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    I waited until 11 sets of your Galápagos images were posted before reviewing them so I could do so all at once. What a pleasure it has been! You must have had a wonderful trip. Fortunately, we were able to take it vicariously through your photos.

    I found every set except #3 and #10. For some reason, the Advanced Search function isn't finding any of the sets, so I've been manually looking through the threads trying to find them.

    Again, well done!
    Hello, Mike. I am really glad that you enjoyed my Galápagos images. This was really a trip of a lifetime, due to the beautiful place, the images but especially due to having my Dad as a company. Please find below the links to threads number 3 and 10.

    Set 3 - Tintoreras Islet - Galapagos - Set 3
    Set 10 - Magnificient Frigatebirds - Galapagos - Set 10

    Tip: When you know the thread's owner, it might be easy to find it: Enter the person's profile and go to "Find latest started threads". Hope that helps on future searchs.

    Kindest regards, my friend.

  2. #22

    Join Date
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    northern Virginia suburb of Washington, DC

    Re: Godzilla (Marine Iguana) - Galapagos - Set 11

    Ahhhhhhh. I feel much better now that I have seen all of them. Even though I like making and seeing others' detail shots, I'm surprised that such a shot would be my favorite. Even so, I think Photo 7 (Claw) in this Set #11 is exactly that. I just love the large pattern of the foot and the mini-patterns of the scales. As you know, it would also make a wonderful black-and-white.

    Thanks for the tip about accessing the member's profile. Doing that would have saved me a lot of time.

  3. #23
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Godzilla (Marine Iguana) - Galapagos - Set 11

    Another good series Otávio,

    Well done

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