Ken Rockwell isn't a bad place to look for an over view of problems like this. From his site on the 55-300mm
This can be a rather extreme effect on some lenses. The F2.8 70-200mm for instance. The VR II version shortens to 135mm at 200mm close up. The effect is no where near as noticeable on the earlier version. I'm fairly sure i have read a review on one lens where the opposite happens but don't quote me. Where it's most likely to matter is when trying to do semi macro work with a telephoto zoom. At a guess telephoto distances will be 20 to 30 or more times the focal length.

A sort of part educated guess. I've definitely not noticed any zoom rate drop off on my 55-300mm at that sort of range. Not really tried it closer.
Actually I suspect this is another instance of web tom tom drums and very little factual information. You will probably find that at telephoto distances the effect is relatively small on most lenses. I have seen comments that lenses only have the stated focal length when focused to infinity - true if the designers choose to go that way. What may happen on lenses like the 70-200 is that they have chosen to do this to maintain high image quality.
It should be possible to work things out roughly from magnification and focus distances but the manufacturers don't give sufficient information. No saying where the max mag is or that min focus distance is the same at all focal lengths so it would all need to be physically measured.