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What if for now, you chose to be a photographer because you enjoy "clicking" and thought it is the right path for you now. You bought all the gears necessary, learn more about the line you wanted to bring yourself into, e.g. weddings. Then along the way, halfway through you found out, you can't deal with bridezillas and the parentzillas and relativezillas...and every ...zillas in the genre, do you just pack up and leave?
Choosing a genre isn't just as easy -- photography is to an adult wanting to achieve something nice, beautiful, acceptable to an audience, not like child who wanted to be a policeman for a few seconds then a rubbish bin man the next and the change from an incredible pilot to a bank robber next. Select your genre first, be good at it....drill, no matter what you chose, drilling yourself to take clicks of the same subject, on different angles, at the different times of the day..until you got it. Just like life...we tend to follow a certain pattern until we got the lesson.And I can go on and on and on with lots of examples...it still boils down to the same thing: learn first before spending too much money on something you are just interested in for the moment.