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Thread: macro practice

  1. #1

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    macro practice

    I found a couple of cooperative bugs today while I was taking pics. The first one is just a normal fly shot at f11, 60mm, SS250(flash). The second one I have no idea what it is. It was taken at f2.8 (I was trying only for the head in focus), 60mm, SS250.

    As always feedback, both positive and negative is most welcomed.

    macro practice

    macro practice

    macro practice

    macro practice

    macro practice

  2. #2
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Nice captures Rita, you are getting good at this love the fly shots although on my screen a couple look a tad bright? You have managed nice detail in the eyes(that i.m.o. is where it should be) We have different variations of the second bug here in Turkey, but don't know what it is? Geoff or Jack might be able to help? Keep up the good work!

  3. #3

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    Re: macro practice

    Thank you David. The brightness is my PP. I have been learning photoshop and I just haven't found my happy medium on some things yet. Keep finding new things to try and it is resulting in me overdoing it a bit sometimes. I know I will improve on that Must say that I am really enjoying the lens now.

  4. #4
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Hi Rita, I use Lightroom for most of my P/P but i'm still very much learning too This macro can be very addictive so beware, keep up the good work, I can see a big improvement

  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    I just love talks to me sort of...I love to make fun of it just for being Izzie ... but I have to go back to bed now... just to make you know that shot made me smile...
    Good morning..good night whichever time of the day this is for you...
    Off to see the wizard for now...

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Nicely captured.

  7. #7
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Well captured but quite bright for me though Rita. I wonder is it all down to your PP or, has the flash added to it. I have tried flash with my macro efforts (non worth keeping/sharing) and find it so difficult to diffuse the flash correctly especially with shiny insects/flies.
    Keep up the good work.

  8. #8
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Good attempt Rita, you got those eyes with the fly. It would be worthwhile posting a SOOC of the fly it may give some ideas of how you can tackle the PP.


  9. #9

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    Re: macro practice

    Hi Rita . Although I don't shoot macro I can see from your threads that you are getting better I really like #2. I find it a bit bright as the other members do. Reducing highlights in PP might help.

  10. #10

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    Re: macro practice

    Hi Rita, you are getting superb detail. Love the eye shots of the fly and the head shot of the whatever. But can you try for a little more depth of field? And if I may ask? what are the beasties resting on?

  11. #11
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Nice captures of the fly.

    These look quite crunchy. I suspect oversharpening, but it's hard to know. Given that you are using flash, so lighting is controlled, you shouldn't need all that much editing. I use Lightroom for bugs, but you have ACR as part of photoshop, so you have access to the same processing engine. My basic processing for flash pictures of bugs is very simple:
    1. adjust the exposure sliders as needed.
    2. Add a modest amount of clarity (try around 20 to start) and a bit of vibrance. Too much clarity creates an ugly appearance, but a bit of a boost increases detail.
    3. Add contrast (I usually use the curves tool)
    4. Sharpen. It depends on the image, but roughly radius 2, amount 75, masking 50. In theory, a smaller radius is more appropriate for this level of detail, but I find a radius of around 2 often works best for bugs. Sharpening more than this will give you halos and a crunchy, unnatural appearance.

    Re Brian's comment about depth of field: you shot at f/11, according to my exif viewer. That should be plenty for adequate depth of field. I often shoot bugs at f/13, but the one I will post below is at f/10. so I am wondering if you simply missed focus a bit. That is perhaps the single hardest aspect of macro.

    do you have a diffuser on your flash? if not, could also contribute to a harsh appearance.

    Hope this helps.

    macro practice

  12. #12
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Hi Rita,

    Great capture of the eyes (detail) in #1 & #2! I like the perspective of #1 the best for the simpler background, and agree with the comments made on brightness.

  13. #13

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    Re: macro practice

    Thank you all for your feedback.

    To address some of the comments. I believe I made a big mistake when I took these. Peter, you caused me to hit myself in the forehead with your comment....I did not diffuse my flash on these images That was not smart on my part

    Grahame, from my previous comment here I feel that my PP would have looked better had I diffused the flash.

    Binnur, I will revisit the editing, probably over the weekend and see what I can do.

    Brian, I am at the experimental part with my dof in the macro. I will try for more next time The fly is resting on a hydrangea flower and the other thing is on the trunk of my car which should be grey. I added a warming filter (just for the heck of it) and the colours did change to more of a pink.

    Dan, thank you for the details of your processing I will keep these for trying out. I do agree that the focus was missed by a bit. Last set someone suggested getting the focus approximate and then moving the camera back and forth slightly, this is helping a lot but I still need practice on it. See my previous comment on the diffuser, didn't think to put it on....duh!

  14. #14

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    Irene Eva

    Re: macro practice

    Great capture. I'm amazed that bugs can remain still long enough in focus to get such clear sharp focus & detail.
    I've so much to learn before ever attempting that!


  15. #15

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    Re: macro practice

    Irene, I have found the best way to learn is to try things, I have had a lot of trial and error. Post pics here (even if you don't think they are good) for C&C and go with the advice. The folks on this site are always ready to jump in and help. As for still having a lot to learn I am right with you on that one. The more I practice the more I learn, the more I learn the more I want to practice.
    Happy shooting!

  16. #16
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    +1 to Dan's comments regarding PPing. I also find that for macro images where flash is used very little other than basic PP is required to enhance the 'sharpness' of the image.

    Looking at the Exif of the fly I see the ISO was 500 but see no significant evidence of noise in the image. I'm not aware of the noise characteristics of the camera used but for me ISO500 would be a no no with my gear as noise removal would degrade things too much.

    To capture that detail in the eyes means good technique and lighting has been used.


  17. #17

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    Re: macro practice

    Thanks for the further comment Grahame. We had 2 days of torrential rain and it had just stopped when I took these images. As it was still very dark and dull outside I did put the ISO up to 500. On my camera noise starts to appear when I get the ISO up to about 1000
    I managed to find a fly, and some bees, this morning but I don't have them processed yet. I will post the new ones as soon as I get them done

  18. #18

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    Re: macro practice

    One more try here. I found a fly to re-shoot, a bee, and a spider. The fly I noticed some pad like things on it's feet that I had never noticed before.
    It isn't as light as the original ones I took, remembered to diffuse the flash this time I think that overall it is improved but I didn't get as much detail in the eyes. And, minimal PP this time too.

    Again, feedback is most welcomed.

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    macro practice

    macro practice

  19. #19

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    Re: macro practice

    Quote Originally Posted by Rita View Post
    One more try here. I found a fly to re-shoot, a bee, and a spider. The fly I noticed some pad like things on it's feet that I had never noticed before.
    It isn't as light as the original ones I took, remembered to diffuse the flash this time I think that overall it is improved but I didn't get as much detail in the eyes. And, minimal PP this time too.

    Again, feedback is most welcomed.

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    macro practice

    macro practice
    dof is much better. Unless i am mistaken it appears that your focus was on the web rather than the spider?

  20. #20
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: macro practice

    Hi Rita,

    Just to say that I think that 1st shot of the fly (2nd set) is wonderful! Beautiful composition and great DOF.

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