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Thread: Photoshop Layer Cropping Mystery

  1. #1
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Photoshop Layer Cropping Mystery

    In the past when cropping a photo, I've often created a duplicate layer and done the cropping on that - so that the base image remains unaffected.

    Today, however, when doing that, I realized that the cropping was affecting the duplicate layer as well as the image in the layer underneath it. One possible reason might be that I had merged visible layers before creating the duplicate layer. Might that be the reason? Thankfully I was working on a separate "test" version of the file so the original file remains untouched.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop Layer Cropping Mystery

    No, certain edits in Photoshop are destructive, and with older versions of Photoshop, a crop would permanently delete the pixels. With CC (possibly CS6, I don't remember), there is a check box that lets you specifiy that Photoshop deletes the pixels, if you check the appropriate box on the crop tool dialog; otherwise it won't.

    If you are working with RAW data, your original file never gets touched, so it is a moot point, but if you are editing a jpeg or TIFF, then renaming the file before saving is the only way to prevent your original from being overwritten.

  3. #3
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop Layer Cropping Mystery

    Yes CS6 gives the option to discard or retain the cropped perimeter.

  4. #4
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop Layer Cropping Mystery

    Hi Bruce

    What version of PS are you using ? I'm on CS6 and as far as I'm aware, the crop tool applies the crop to all layers. There was a significant change between CS5 and CS6 with the crop tool, including the point mentioned above. But I can't remember how the crop was applied to layers in CS5.


  5. #5
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop Layer Cropping Mystery

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    Hi Bruce

    What version of PS are you using ? I'm on CS6 and as far as I'm aware, the crop tool applies the crop to all layers. There was a significant change between CS5 and CS6 with the crop tool, including the point mentioned above. But I can't remember how the crop was applied to layers in CS5.

    I'm using CS6 and always make sure I don't discard the cropped perimeter. Your understanding that the crop tool applies the crop to all layers is consistent with what is happening on the photo I'm currently working on.

    It's always possible that the answer to my query is that my recollection of cropping via a duplicate layer is out to lunch. And I thought I had a perfect memory!

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