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The simple explanation is that you are working with RAW data, but the histograms are based on the jpeg you are displaying, so if you happen to have driven a particular colour to the point where they show as blown out or blocked, that's what the histogram will show. If you are working in 16-bit RAW and the conversion to a 8-bit jpeg likely plays a part in this issue.
You should also look at the colour spaces that you are using in each of the products, this could also be part of what is causing this issue (make sure your default colour spaces are set to be the same in Lightroom and ACR). If you are going straight to Photoshop from Lightroom, you will be fine as wll. The default colour space in Lightroom seems to be ProPhoto. I'm not sure what ACR / Photoshop do as I've been through so many upgrades...
Now, as to the colours, that is up to you. You apply the saturation slider a lot more vigorously than I do; I tend to ususally be in the 10 - 20 range, but then, I am doing a different image from yours.