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Thread: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D5100. kit lens:18-105mm, Manual mode: f/5.6
    1/200, ISO3600. WB-AUTO. Matrix metering.
    Focus mode AF-A, AF Area Mode: Dynamic. VR-on
    SOOC. converted/downsized only in viewNX2

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D5100. kit lens:18-105mm, Manual mode: f/5.6
    1/200, ISO3600. WB-AUTO. Matrix metering.
    Focus mode AF-A, AF Area Mode: Dynamic. VR-on
    SOOC. converted/downsized only in viewNX2

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D5100. kit lens:18-105mm, Manual mode: f/5.6
    1/200, ISO6400. WB-AUTO. Matrix metering.
    Focus mode AF-A, AF Area Mode: Dynamic. VR-on
    SOOC. converted/downsized only in viewNX2

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D5100. kit lens:18-105mm, Manual mode: f/5.6
    1/200, ISO2500. WB-AUTO. Matrix metering.
    Focus mode AF-A, AF Area Mode: Dynamic. VR-on
    SOOC. converted/downsized only in viewNX2
    Last edited by nimitzbenedicto; 10th August 2014 at 04:32 PM.

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Victor, I think you did quite well in capturing the concert, especially since you were working handicapped with a lens which has an f/5.6 as its maximum aperture when zoomed to its maximum focal length...

    Even shooting with a lens that is capable of f/4 at its maximum focal length, it would have allowed you to cut your ISO in half and thus reducing the noise. An f/2.8 aperture would have been even better. However, we shoot with whatever equipment we have available and, unless the venue is very important or unless you are making money from the event, renting gear is not always the best idea. Also, using a rental camera/lens that you are not used to when shooting an event is a chancy situation...

    IMO, there are two ways to cover a concert. First is images of the performers without showing the crowd. Second is showing the performers in relation to the crowd which you have done in image #1, That is a refreshing way to cover a concert because it gives me the feeling of "being there"...

    I will be covering the concert that our Maltese Rescue California is sponsoring later this month...

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    I plan to do most of my coverage along the lines of your first image. Showing the crowd integrated with the performers.

    I will use my pair of Canon 7D cameras and 17-55mm f/2.8 IS and 70-200mm f/4L IS lenses to cover the concert. Luckily, there will be some daylight left during the performance which will help me in using a lower ISO.

    Since I am the secretary of our rescue group, I will be the person charged with interfacing with the security detail we are hiring for the concert. I am pretty sure that I will have carte blanche for non-flash photography. I definitely want a shot along the lines of your #1 image. Thanks for posting it. It has started my creative juices flowing. If possible, I'd also like a shot from behind the performers showing the audience.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002


    I see you are giving that kit lens a workout. Nicely captured, really like the second image, the fourth has a bit of appeal to it also.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    I see you are giving that kit lens a workout. Nicely captured, really like the second image, the fourth has a bit of appeal to it also.
    Thanks John. I really appreciate your comments.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for your informative post.

    Here's wishing your 24August concert success !

    ( btw, was just shooting for fun and experience.)

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Victor, I think you did quite well in capturing the concert, especially since you were working handicapped with a lens which has an f/5.6 as its maximum aperture when zoomed to its maximum focal length...

    Even shooting with a lens that is capable of f/4 at its maximum focal length, it would have allowed you to cut your ISO in half and thus reducing the noise. An f/2.8 aperture would have been even better. However, we shoot with whatever equipment we have available and, unless the venue is very important or unless you are making money from the event, renting gear is not always the best idea. Also, using a rental camera/lens that you are not used to when shooting an event is a chancy situation...

    IMO, there are two ways to cover a concert. First is images of the performers without showing the crowd. Second is showing the performers in relation to the crowd which you have done in image #1, That is a refreshing way to cover a concert because it gives me the feeling of "being there"...

    I will be covering the concert that our Maltese Rescue California is sponsoring later this month...

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    I plan to do most of my coverage along the lines of your first image. Showing the crowd integrated with the performers.

    I will use my pair of Canon 7D cameras and 17-55mm f/2.8 IS and 70-200mm f/4L IS lenses to cover the concert. Luckily, there will be some daylight left during the performance which will help me in using a lower ISO.

    Since I am the secretary of our rescue group, I will be the person charged with interfacing with the security detail we are hiring for the concert. I am pretty sure that I will have carte blanche for non-flash photography. I definitely want a shot along the lines of your #1 image. Thanks for posting it. It has started my creative juices flowing. If possible, I'd also like a shot from behind the performers showing the audience.

  6. #6

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    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Hi Victor, I loved the last one , super

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D300. Kit lens: 55-200mm. Manual mode: f/4.0.
    1/200 autoISO2500. matrix metering. auto-WB.
    SOOC converted/downsize only in viewNX2
    no flash

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D300. Kit lens: 55-200mm. Manual mode: f/4.0.
    1/200 autoISO1o00. matrix metering. auto-WB.
    SOOC converted/downsize only in viewNX2
    no flash

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D300. Kit lens: 55-200mm. Manual mode: f/4.0.
    1/200 autoISO1600. matrix metering. auto-WB.
    SOOC converted/downsize only in viewNX2
    no flash

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D300. Kit lens: 55-200mm. Manual mode: f/4.0.
    1/200 autoISO2800. matrix metering. auto-WB.
    SOOC converted/downsize only in viewNX2
    no flash

    Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Nikon D300. Kit lens: 55-200mm. Manual mode: f/4.0.
    1/200 autoISO2800. matrix metering. auto-WB.
    SOOC converted/downsize only in viewNX2
    no flash

  8. #8
    juznobsrvr's Avatar
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    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    I think these are fab shots, Victor. My fave is the second from the last (guitar player and singer together). You have captured an onstage relationship that depicts the performers feeding off from each other.

    Seeing that these images are SOOC, is B&W conversion no longer an option? I'm visualizing them as though they were taken with a Leica M6 using Ilford film.

    Good stuff, my man.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Lake Ambulalakaw, Mt. Pulag, Benguet
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    Victor Nimitz

    Re: Concert @ Sunset Strip, Hollywood v.002

    Quote Originally Posted by juznobsrvr View Post

    Seeing that these images are SOOC, is B&W conversion no longer an option? I'm visualizing them as though they were taken with a Leica M6 using Ilford film.

    Good stuff, my man.
    B&W. Why not . I will check out how they look.

    Thanks for your review. Gives me another perspective.

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