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Thread: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

  1. #1
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    An exceptional high quality resource photography - serving all levels of photographers and all types of photography.

    For the excellent tutorials on all subjects related to photography but especially for the wealth of knowledge shared by the administrators, moderators, and the members who take the time to share their work, teach others, and also help others progress.

    Indeed I think it is very special that so many members take the time from their busy lives, often going above and beyond to help other members progress in their photography.

    I especially love Cambridge in Colour for the warm, friendly welcoming feel of the community of members who share and are respectful of others knowing that each member is a real person with feelings and something to share, no matter the level.

    I also love that there is no question that is too dumb to ask and indeed I've asked many of these.

    Now it's your turn to share why you love Cambridge in Colour!
    Last edited by Brownbear; 23rd August 2014 at 09:57 PM. Reason: grammer

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    Same as you Christina is how I feel, I think some in another thread should read your comments.

    Cheers: Allan

  3. #3
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour


    Its about time we focused on the positive side! CIC is simply THE best photographic site ive come across. How could we possibly ask for more? We have a huge knowledge base, and people that have it are willing to share it. on the whole members are tolerant, patient, and good hearted. Its fabulous to be able to interact with people from all walks of life.

    Long may CIC reign..

    PS admin/ mods if you need any help just ask.

  4. #4

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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    I agree with all that has been said so far WHOLEHEARTEDLY, but especially the bit about the dumb questions

    Seriously though, my photographic skills are still a work in progress but I give a lot of the credit to the many more talented and knowledgeable folks who participate here for any improvement you might see. They are a kind and generous lot!

    It takes a lot of personal diligence to improve but the members are also a little like your own personal fan club that are willing to take notice of and share their appreciation of the 'little wins' along the way even if the final product isn't a masterpiece. There has been many a time that I felt as if I was pounding my head against a brick wall when someone here found a shiny spot amidst all of the muck that encouraged me to carry on and that I could do it. This is a gift beyond words and I appreciate it more than I can ever express via my keyboard.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    How can one argue with that, Christina.

    In general, I will have to agree with you; most of the posts by members are both helpful and informative, and in my mind probably the most useful photographic site on the web. I've learned a lot and hope that I've contributed as much as received.

    No web site is perfect and there are people who have a view that I do not feel comfortable with; but they mostly leave in a huff in a short while. The one area where I do feel there is a weakness is in the reviews of others images. It's great to know that someone likes or dislikes a particular image; but I prefer knowing why this is the case.

  6. #6

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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    Great thread, Christina! Almost as good as your photo threads!

    CiC's tagline mentions "a learning community." I have learned so much here and look forward to learning much more. More than just providing learning experiences, the website provides inspiring experiences and wonder if that shouldn't be included in the tagline.

    CiC is the third photography website that I've participated in and it's clearly the best of the three. Not that any website can't strive for improvement, but this one sets the bar higher than most if not all of the others.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    As Dan (from Alaska) once said to is "chummier" and I totally and completely agreed with his statement...

  8. #8
    dabhand's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    Two things I really like about CiC

    The first is the diversity of styles and interest areas, many are not in my particular 'bucket' but there are some which really excite me and almost drag me into that area;

    The second, is the length to which some people will go to help others without being intolerant, dogmatic or demeaning - case in point was the help given to Brian which I believe revolved around layers in GIMP - those involved (sorry I can't remember who) really worked at answering his questions without going off on tangents or telling him to adopt some other technology.

    That's just one which sprung to mind, there have been many other, and all credit to those who have the communication skills and desire to be supportive and helpful.


  9. #9
    csa mt's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    "The first is the diversity of styles and interest areas, many are not in my particular 'bucket' but there are some which really excite me and almost drag me into that area;

    The second, is the length to which some people will go to help others without being intolerant, dogmatic or demeaning "

    Steve, I completely agree with the above! Some styles are not of interest, but they are still interesting to look at, and perhaps give me a push to try these styles myself!

    Your second statement is so important! It's important for everyone, especially the very experienced; to remember when they first started out; and be tolerant of member's questions. If you feel you cannot answer it in a respectful, helpful manner, best to skip over that post. I will say, I thoroughly enjoy this forum and the members I've come in contact with. All have been very helpful and courteous; this is what keeps me here!

  10. #10

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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    I totally agree Christina. To me, coming here is like a going to a classroom. There is available help for all levels of photography be it beginner or advanced.


  11. #11
    pixel pete's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    The majority of the commenters are always helpful and gracious here. I feel the majority take the time to see the profile of the person posting, check out their skill level if it's available either through pictures posted here or through a link back to their website. Since the written word even with emoticons is problematic, I have to say majority of people here don't behave badly and that is what makes this a very good website/forum/resource.

    Kudos to all the moderators for that.

  12. #12
    wilgk's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    I have learnt so much here, it is a very friendly place and I have never personally encountered anything from anyone here that would make me not want to return.
    My husband used to travel a lot for work & work late, so indeed, I found great company here when home alone!
    Now he's semi retired, he's actually home & here in the evening, so I haven't been as active on the forum as before!

  13. #13
    Wayland's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    I've tried a few photo forums ( forii ??? ) and usually drifted away frustrated by the petty bickering that seems endemic in such communities.

    The first thing I did here when I joined was post a contentious issue to see what would happen and I was pleasantly surprised how long it ran before I actually suggested it be shut down.

    I know there has been a bit of navel gazing going on around here recently but on the whole, compared to other such communities, the levels of patience and tolerance around here are very good indeed.

    That in itself was interesting but I was looking for more than that.

    It may sound arrogant and I really don't mean to be that way but I've been knocking around photography for many years, film and file. Although I still have much to learn, it's not the basics anymore if you know what I mean.

    I found this site through some of the tutorial pages. The sort of complex questions I needed answers to were simply not being addressed elsewhere and more often than not, I found answers and good information here.

    So for me it was a combination of that deep knowledge and the lack of ego that generally goes with such knowledge.

    The only other photo forum I use regularly is Luminous Landscape which certainly has the knowledge base but sadly it is also infested with the sort of egos that loony cults get formed around. I lurk there but rarely post anything.

    I guess that is a bit lazy, after all it should be a two way street. That knowledge has to come from somewhere and if the experienced members don't contribute then who will be the next crop of gurus down the line?

    The fact of the matter is that I'm not interested in having a competition to see how high people can wet the wall. I saw a thread here recently where one of those very knowledgeable members spouted off about having the right to be arrogant. I hope he was just having a bad night, because that is exactly the sort of attitude that is all too common on the internet and not what makes this site so good.

    I consider myself fairly knowledgeable, but over the years the thing I have learned most of all is that there is no single truth, no one and only way to do things and it is the diversity of solutions available that make photography the fascinating pursuit that it is. This is a learning process that will continue until they nail the lid on for me and I hope I never start to think there is nothing left to learn.

    I tend to dip in and out of forums, mostly because life gets in the way. Like many people I have a busy life and other interests as well. I post if I think I have something to say that has not been said already otherwise I tend to just look in every now and again.

    I hope that I do make some contribution here because this really is a great source of information even for old salts like me.

  14. #14
    Nicks Pics's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    Indeed, I have made a lot of progress in learning what I need to to get started in photography on this forum, from specific questions, to getting familiar with photography. I try not to take this forum as an opportunity to get lazy and neglect to read the many articles on CiC and on the web about photography and equipment, but it's an opportunity to get some sorts of understanding that is hard to get elsewhere, such as asking for experience- based answers, and finding out what other photographers really do or use or think, or getting more specific questions answered than articles on the Internet would solve. Thanks a lot to the folks who have responded to anything I've posted!

  15. #15
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    a) A one stop shop for photographic 'mindware'

    b) Open 24/7

  16. #16

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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    Thankfully CiC is not a person. Otherwise all this praise would give it a swollen head.

    No not going to praise CiC at all. But all its members I will for their tireless efforts and will to help.

  17. #17
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    I agree; this is by far the most enjoyable and helpful general interest photo site I have participated with. There are quite a few people here who combine a lot of knowledge, a willingness to take the time to help others, and patience. There are a number of blowhards also, but I suppose that is inevitable.

    Manfred wrote:

    The one area where I do feel there is a weakness is in the reviews of others images. It's great to know that someone likes or dislikes a particular image; but I prefer knowing why this is the case.
    I agree, and I would add to his comment that I find suggestions about possible edits or other changes very helpful. I don't always agree with them all--and indeed, the various people posting in a thread often disagree among themselves--but this kind of discussion helps me, at least, think of things I hadn't before. That's not to say that I don't appreciate a simple "good job" too. I suspect everyone does.

  18. #18

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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    I love that you can ask a question about a photo and get direct feedback from the other members and most will tell you how to improve a photo. I have been a member for a year and have learned quite a bit from both viewing others photos and posting my own.

    Another thing I like about the site is the "Photos", seeing all the wonderful places around the world, the wildlife, people and beautiful plants and flowers from another land.

  19. #19

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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    CinC is a friedly website. I think when some one is a new member he/she is usually a kind of timid and ready to run away . But after a short while he/she sounds happy because everyone in CinC is helpful. So people get motivated here instead of getting dissappointed and frustrated and it is possible to learn a lot here.

    I also agree with Ali about seeing very nice and interesting photos of wonderful places, wildlife ,people , animals and plants here in CinC.

    I'm also very happy to see some photos taken with artistic approaches.

    So, what else can I expect from a website ?

  20. #20
    Brownbear's Avatar
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    Re: Why I Love Cambridge in Colour

    Just to say a very special thank you to all for sharing your thoughts and why you love Cambridge in Colour.

    For me Cambridge in Colour is indeed very special! When I joined the operations of my new camera were a complete mystery! All I knew was that I love taking photos.

    Nor did I know what a photographic forum was. I started this thread with the thought to share/celebrate just how special this forum and its members are to me. Thank you to everyone who makes Cambridge in Colour such a special place!

    I'm enjoying some vacation time so I will not check back in until late next week. Hopefully I will have some nice images to share.

    Meanwhile.... Keep sharing!

    Thank you!
    Last edited by Brownbear; 29th August 2014 at 04:44 PM. Reason: grammer spelling (fix rushed post)

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