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Thread: Do I need this?

  1. #1
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Do I need this?

    Frequently, although not always, when opening Cambridge in Colour, I get a screen inviting me to download an app called Tapatalk. I close this screen down, of course, but has anybody out there got it, and do I need it?

    I shall look forward to your replies with interest!


  2. #2
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    I use Tapatalk to access this and other forums on my iPhone and iPad, it works for me. However when using my laptop or PC I just us a browser to access the forum.
    As to whether you need it or not that would have to be your decision Charles.

  3. #3
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    I've used it on my iPad and iPhone for some time. It's a more convenient format for the small screens, and there are other forums, e.g., dgrin, that also use it. Like Peter, I use a browser on my computer.

  4. #4
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Thanks guys for your replies. Like yourselves, I use my browser (Firefox) on my laptop, but I use Safari on my iPad. Is Tapatalk any better, if so, why do you think so?


  5. #5
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    If you use a laptop like I do you don't really need it...I use my iPad for my recipe access in the kitchen not any forum. What suits you is what you need it for...

  6. #6
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    I guess we've all had the pop up.. My overriding principle is that when someone / something offers me something I didn't know I needed, the answer is "No"

  7. #7

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    Re: Do I need this?

    It's an age no iPad or IPhone, nor a laptop for that matter.

  8. #8
    PhotomanJohn's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    It's an age no iPad or IPhone, nor a laptop for that matter.

  9. #9
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    It's an age no iPad or IPhone, nor a laptop for that matter.
    Sssssshhhhh....prefer an iPad, to keep up with the times (hides my age too ) -- it is quieter, too. iPhone is too noisy updating all the time -- I once had one and it stays at the furthest end of the house near the garage door to the kitchen. Sends me bonkers!

  10. #10
    DanK's Avatar
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    Do I need this?

    Only you will know whether you like it. You could download it, try it, and uninstall it if you don't like it. (I am using it right now.)

    Izzie--you may be able to salvage your iPhone. Assuming you have the same version of iOS on both, it has the same settings to control sounds, push notifications, etc. as the iPad. I have an iPhone, and it only makes noise when I receive a call or text -- and you can silence those too.

  11. #11
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Izzie - get a smart watch then you can turn all the sounds off on the iPhone as notifications appear on your wrist instead.

    I love my Pebble

  12. #12

    Re: Do I need this?

    I have a (new) smartphone (not apple) and a laptop and am not, by the slightest a Luddite. But I almost never download apps (and check the one I do very carefully) because in many (most) cases they require access to every inch of one's smartphone. I did a quick search of tapatalk and frankly I don't understand its relevance. I am right now typing this, on my smartphone using nothing but the native landscape of my phone and this site. I can't say for sure that tapatalk wants full access to your phone but then, why give something away for free? There has to something they get out of it and if it's not your personal info on your phone then it's the ability to track your movements across the internets, gather that data and sell it to whomever.

    Technology is great but one has to be aware that there is no such thing as a free lunch, you have to give up something along the way. The key is to minimize internet presence as much as possible. facestagram, twitt et al are voracious data gatherers as well as goggle, yohoo and more.

    For me I just prefer not to become too detailed on the interwebs since, while everyone out there is trying to monetize my info, I get nothing in return from it. And 'free' apps, etc. are hardly fair compensation.

  13. #13
    dabhand's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Quote Originally Posted by flashback View Post
    ............For me I just prefer not to become too detailed on the interwebs since, while everyone out there is trying to monetize my info, I get nothing in return from it. And 'free' apps, etc. are hardly fair compensation.
    I guess it depends on how you perceive value but although you pay line rental, ISP charges etc the WWW costs you nothing itself, youtube + other video sites are free, email costs nothing, skype, this site, other photo forums etc etc - someone somewhere has to pay for all those functiond and network bandwidth, otherwise I guess people would have to stump up a shed load of money or become more selective (not necessarily a bad thing) if they are not to become the product.


  14. #14
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Well...hubby got annoyed at me for not having my phone in my person so he got rid of my iphone at the right moment when my stepson broke his phone, he used it to exchange for another one. He is a big smartphone/iPad user because he uses them for flying our planes and for commercial travelling. In the meantime, I was TOLD I do not need the iPhone anyway so we got us (him and me) a Samsung flip phone. He is happy with it so I am supposed to be happy with it too. I have my iPad for access to my recipes and flight information when travelling and of course my laptop, so I am happy. The only app I have on my iPad are the ones that came with it. I am a cheapy...I am a sucker on other stuffs like camera accessories and my kitchen stuffs. I have the most complete kitchen in the neighbourhood, so he think...Not so fast, Mister Hubby...

  15. #15

    Re: Do I need this?

    Steve, I agree insomuch as infrastructure costs have to be covered, and like radio and cable tv, advertisers want to be able to target certain demographics. Obviously a radio station that only plays music from the 60's or 70's likely implies a specific demographic and ads are tailored as such. The problem with the internet is there are companies that scour the internet for personal info, which they bundle and sell to basically anyone. One given example is where a person might do a search for cancer, symptoms, treatments and treatment centers. This 'could' be acquired by an insurance company to whom that individual may be seeking a policy. Which ould affect coverage or outright denial of coverage. Granted hypothetical but well within the realm of possibilities.

    So while search engines and websites need to source revenue streams, my limiting of personal data is an option and a choice. It's not like I'm moving my business offshore to avoid paying (some or much of) my tax liability.

  16. #16
    charzes44's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    Many thanks to all who have looked at and replied to my original post. By and large, I think along similar lines to Flashback, and, to be honest, I am perfectly happy with using Firefox on my laptop, and Safari on my iPad. Therefore, I see no reason to download Tapatalk, and all that that entails. Luddite? Definitely not, after all, I do have an iPad!

  17. #17
    ajohnw's Avatar
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    Re: Do I need this?

    I think I would be more concerned about getting the pop up in the first place. Even more concerned if it wasn't a pop up.

    I just tried firefox on CinC and no problem. Popups can be blocked in preferences under content. If it isn't a pop up of some sort or doesn't go away I suspect I would uninstall and re install firefox again from their web pages.

    I don't use firefox generally as it doesn't handle my colour management correctly, down to the type of monitor profile I use. I have it set to never remember anything and assume that includes cookies etc.


  18. #18

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    Re: Do I need this?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    It's an age no iPad or IPhone, nor a laptop for that matter.
    I know.
    I am only approaching seventy, so I use a Linux box, but my mother, RIP, used an iPad the last years, very convenient.

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