I like the NIK Software and I am not the only CiC member who uses that program. Several years ago, I attended a product demonstration of NIK Software by the company who produced it. They were based in Mission Valley, in San Diego, CA. I was impressed with the various tools in the NIK software package. I was especially impressed with the "Control Point" capability which is an integral part of each tool.
Unfortunately the original NIK was priced beyond what I was willing to invest in an editing program. They appeared not willing to accept my part-time attendance in a San Diego Community College District, Adult Education Program to grant me an educational discount. They would also not accept my wife's professor emeritus status from the college she had taught at for twenty years and then retired, for educational discount.
However when Google purchased NIK and offered the program at a considerable discount, I jumped to get it and have never regretted that decision.
I also like my Perfect Photo Suite and when OnOne offered a discount to owners of NIK Software, I jumped to get that set of programs. Like NIK, I have never regretted purchasing the Perfect Photo Suite. There is some duplication between Perfect Photo and NIK but, I use them both happily. In fact, now when I am forced to use Photoshop (on a friends computer) without the plug-ins, it seems clumsy and unhandy.
On one is coming out with Version 9 at the end of this month and I have already purchased it and am awaiting for it to be delivered through cyber space.
The new Noise Reduction Filter of V.9 really looks promising...
The Masking capability of Perfect Photo is just great and will add masking and layer capability to editing programs which do not have that capability...
As far as NIK goes. I just love that program and use it on virtually every image that I edit. I especially like Viveza!
Donald does a wonderful job converting to B&W using NIK Silver Efex Pro. I seldom convert to B&W and when I do, I will often use the Perfect Photo's, Perfect Black and White because it has some wonderful vintage photo presets.
As I mentioned, there is some duplication between the programs but, each has enough individuality to make owning both worthwhile to me...