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Thread: Post your insects

  1. #1661

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    Re: Post your insects

    Well I have cheated with it, Rudi.

    When I get moths coming to a window light, I pot them up and store in the fridge overnight; then place them on a suitable bit of background material for a photo and then an identification.

    If I get the background correct they are reluctant to leave even when I take them outside for release.

    This one is more obvious to see, but I'm uncertain about the identification until I get a second opinion. Possibly a Large Wainscot?

    Post your insects

    The second opinion agrees with Large Wainscot. There are several similar species in the Wainscot family.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 3rd October 2014 at 07:41 PM.

  2. #1662
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects


    Post your insects

  3. #1663
    jdathebowler's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    I took this Bluebottle today following advice from Geoff F. Should I have used flash to improve this image? .I am open to suggestions for further improvement for next time.

    Post your insects
    Last edited by jdathebowler; 18th October 2014 at 10:25 PM.

  4. #1664

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    Re: Post your insects

    Whether to use flash is always a bit of a compromise, John. It can give you better camera settings and helps to avoid harsh shadows; but sometimes the result is over exposed hot spots and harsher colour. I often take one shot with and one without then decide later; but that depends on having a cooperative model

    Certainly a much sharper image, particularly on the wing detail.

    Following on from Rudi's post where I mentioned getting the perfect angle for identification. Stacked Shieldbug

    I was finding several of the same species today (Coreus marginatus) and specifically took some shots just for identification purposes.

    Post your insects

    You need to see those two tiny 'horns' between the antennae.

    Also one of several unidentified Ichneumon Wasps. And this one is well dusted with pollen.

    Post your insects

    It was deep within the foliage so flash was the only hope. I couldn't get a perfect angle but managed a couple of shots, using a tripod, with different focus points then merged them.

    When walking along, following a flying insect, I nearly stepped on this.

    Post your insects

    A well knotted Grass Snake. The head is slightly to the left of that yellow area.

    I shot this with and without flash; and decided that it looked better without.

  5. #1665
    jdathebowler's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    Thanks Geoff, I printed off the advice from your reply to my photo 27/09/14 and hopefully you can see some improvement.I have now got a better feel for the extra weight of my new lens.I think I am getting better at macro photography and more practice should further improve the image quality.
    Last edited by jdathebowler; 6th October 2014 at 11:15 AM.

  6. #1666
    jdathebowler's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    This Bluebottle image I hope should show some further improvement for my macro photography.

    Post your insectsBluebottle Fly

  7. #1667

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    Re: Post your insects

    You are certainly getting the sharpness now, John, and the exposure is good.

    Try for some different angles and see if you can get some heads, with sharp eyes. A good photo of an insect's head, gradually fading towards the rear always looks better than seeing it 'bum up front'; except when photographing for identification where those angles are often essential.

    Do you have any software which is capable of doing a merge using 2 shots with different focus points? That is something which is well worth trying, but usually works best when shot on a tripod.

  8. #1668
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    Re: Post your insects

    Hi Geoff, thanks for your comments.It was your comments and advice on the wasp head on shot #1641 which has enabled my photographic improvement.I have my Gimp software for merging images.I will also try different angles.One question for you can I continue photographing insects through the winter?What sort would continue to be active during the cold weather? Thank you for all your help it has been most appreciated.

  9. #1669
    jdathebowler's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    A Red Admiral Butterfly seen in my garden.

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  10. #1670

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    Re: Post your insects

    During late autumn, John, I tend to look for fungi when the insects start to reduce. But that requires slight modification in methods etc.

    There are often some forms of insect life around during warmer spells in the winter. However, opportunities are greatly reduced so other subjects are required. Spiders often seem to be more active than flies during mild winter weather. Some of the bugs are also a bit hardier, although you usually have to search for them.

    From today. I have been seeing a few of these Loxocera flies at one site but couldn't get a suitable angle for full identification; but after a bit of reading about them I did learn which angles are needed. So I have now worked out that they are Loxocera albiseta (probably).

    Post your insects

    Flash was tending to produce harsh results; while shooting without it needed a shutter speed which was too slow for the natural movement of leaves etc. But this particular compromise over shutter speed and Iso/aperture just about worked.

    As yet, I'm not sure about the identity of this caterpillar.

    The latest suggestion is a Flame Shoulder Moth Caterpillar in the early stage. They appear to darken in colour as they develop.

    Post your insects

    It was sharing the leaf with a ladybird so I had to do a merge of two shots with different focus points to include both of them. Exposure was also being pushed between excessive highlights and dark shadows. So another bit of editing compromise to get somewhere between the two extremes.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 13th October 2014 at 07:44 PM.

  11. #1671
    jdathebowler's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    Well Geoff I will have a look for some fungi and have a go.Thanks again for replying to my questions.

  12. #1672

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    Re: Post your insects

    From my experiences with fungi photography, John, you need to have a tripod or some similar stable support for much of the time. Many fungi live in fairly dark woodland situations, and flash often causes 'hot spot' problems on the reflective surfaces. Which means long exposures; but at least they stay still (mostly).

    Direct sunlight can also cause exposure problems. It is often advisable to have some form of shading for these conditions. Just standing between subject and direct light is often sufficient.

    Experiment with different camera angles. At least they aren't going to fly away at the slightest movement.

    If you want identification, you really need some shots of the undersides as well. I often take a small ruler with me and include it in one photo to give an indication of size.

  13. #1673
    jdathebowler's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    Thanks Geoff, I am still learning what the capabilities of the new lens are. I will probably read up on how to take the sort of shots that you describe.It will give me a project for the winter.

  14. #1674

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    Re: Post your insects

    A couple of somewhat odd looking moths which came to my window light. Commonly called Plume Moths.

    These don't make obliging models so I had to take some shots through a plastic collecting tube; which means they aren't perfect. But I thought they were sufficiently interesting subjects for showing here anyway.

    Post your insects

    Post your insects

    Post your insects

  15. #1675
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    Very nice Geoff, you have done a great job considering your shooting restrictions, I have seen them over here but not yet managed a decent capture


  16. #1676

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    Re: Post your insects

    Thanks, David. These don't respond well to the normal chill and place on a suitable background method; and if you kill them for a photo they just don't look 'natural'.

    Not exactly rare here, although the first one is less common, but I only get the occasional one coming to window lights.

    Here is another moth which did happily settle on a suitable background.

    Post your insects

    Cypress Carpet, which caused me some identification problems, so I had to ask for help. A relative newcomer which is only found on the UK south coast.

    And a fly which always causes me problems with exposure when I'm attempting to capture the rich golden coloured fine hairs on the thorax. I keep trying but this is the best I've managed so far. Probably needs a merge of different exposures.

    Post your insects

    One of the Pollenia species, probably Pollenia rudis (Cluster Fly) which are relatively common here at this time of the year.

  17. #1677
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    You have captured both well, Geoff, some of these Moths have great camouflage, you have done great even seeing it never mind managing an image

    Cheers David

  18. #1678

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    Re: Post your insects

    Found this butterfly (Comma, or Polygonia c-album) a few days ago, on a cardboard box. No antennae were visible . I brought it inside, took some closeup shots. After a few shots, the antennae popped up and not long after it was gone.

    Post your insects

    Today I found the same species on the same box. The same butterfly or another ?? but this one was more brownish-red while the first was more reddish-brown, or is this an aging factor ? No real close up shots this time...

    Post your insects
    Last edited by rudi; 13th October 2014 at 04:09 AM.

  19. #1679
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Post your insects

    Very nice Rudi, is #1 a crop or did you use tubes or MP-E?

    Cheers David

  20. #1680

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    Re: Post your insects

    Quote Originally Posted by deetheturk View Post
    .... is #1 a crop or did you use tubes or MP-E?

    Cheers David
    Thanks David.
    MP-E at 2x, resting on my hand on the table, stacked, cropped off the edges.

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