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I think it's the same for still photography. It's an artistic/creative decision.
For someone like me who has 3 'stock' image ratios that he uses (1:1, 16:9 and 4:5) being able to choose those on the back screen of a DSLR would just be an aid to composition. Nothing more. I note that the 7d MkII offers 2 of those (1:1 and 16:9) as an option.
Now, I hope I have managed reasonably well in terms of composition up to now with my trusty old 40D and the use of frames cut out of cardboard and in the above ratios, that I carry around in my bag. I always compose my photograph using these, knowing what the final image will therefore look like.
We know that many people like different tools on their cameras to assist their photography. I think I'd find this a useful tool to aid my photography.