This is a "Hope for Paws" video done by Eldad Haggar and Lisa Arturo, "Two Rescue Angels".
Judy and I are fostering these wonderful young siblings, Elmer and Elsie, and they are clean, happy and becoming more confident by the day. They will come from anywhere in the house or yard when we call them and just love to sit in our laps when watching T.V.. The yard in which the siblings are running is my home and I am the fat guy that Elmer and Elsie are loving up to towards the end of the video.
The dogs on the couch include, Elmer and Elsie along with a couple of our resident dogs and some other fosters. Little Betty, who was between Elsie and Elmer on the couch was adopted today and Judy and I have decided to adopt, Sasha, the Jack Russel Terrier mix who was also on the couch...
It's a great feeling having Elsie on my lap while I am watching the video of Eldad and Lisa getting Elsie from her hiding place...
These two dogs will be adopted together as a bonded pair. They absolutely love each other as indicated by Elmer coming back for Elsie after she was captured. However, these two dogs love Judy and I also.