Hi David#2 has got a yellow stomach ?
Great captures David...
Cheers John![]()
Hi Binnur, I think she is full of eggsbut I don't know if that has anything to do with the yellow belly
Cheers Richard, thank's for commenting![]()
Apparently you are still alive after the near accident reading my response to your post, so I will be serious this time around...all the images are nicely done here. My favourite is #2 despite its big yellow tummy. I thought this is a sort of dipthera (sp) type of fly or yellow bubble fly or something but it is not...#3 is a unique shot I have not seen you upload as such ... and #4 is equally interesting...
Cheers Izzie, yes hanging in thereI'm not great at the I.D's, really should try harder
#3 was a first for me and have to date, never seen another like it
, I think #4 might be the male version of #2
#3 gets my vote. the difference between fore and back ground is inspiring. I would also like to believe that with a little luck and a lot more practice I could get that type of eye detail.
Cheers B, the way your photography has come on, I am in no doubt you will get there my friend![]()
I had missed these David.
All of course up to your normal high standard and my vote will go for No 1 on technical merit and No 3 on artistic merit
I'm trying to tame a jumper found today so I may be lucky tonight and get it to cooperate
Cheers, Grahame
Cheers Grahame, much appreciated mate!
I will look out for your tamed Jumper latergood luck
Speaking as a zoologist (retired), #2 is the most interesting. It shows the halteres very clearly. This is the little knob-like thing just below the wing. It is actually the hind wing and it acts as a balancing organ (like a gyroscope).
Having said that all for photos are great!
Cheers John, and thanks for the extra info, that's another thing I never knew about Flys!
Thank you Vaez![]()
I missed these. Great shots, as always. I personally prefer #3 because it is so rare to capture a fly with wings beating. I agree with John about the halteres. You can see them in #3 as well, although not as clearly.
Izzie, John can correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that diptera is the order that includes all flies. Diptera just means 'two wings,' and I don't know whether the order also includes any species that are not considered "flies." I have once or twice used www.diptera.info, which is a forum for fly identification, etc. I also recently stumbled on this one: diptera.org. I assume that their classification as diptera indicates that the halteres are considered only vestigal wings.a sort of dipthera (sp) type of fly or yellow bubble fly
Nailed the detail in these, nice!