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Thread: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

  1. #41
    Cantab's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post

    Week 46 - Looking under the bridge.

    Looked at this old bridge from several angles then gave up and walked on. When returning, the light angle was a little bit better so I had a go at it. But realised it was something of a no hope task. Anyway this is the only possible keeper from several different angles. Plus a merge of two conversions with different settings from the same Raw file.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/30 F8 Iso 400 on a tripod.
    An interesting image. I was intrigued by why bark was stripped off the tree on the right, perhaps someone playing around with an axe?

    With reference to your next post about the problems of bracketed exposures when you can't see the camera controls, yes, having to put on eyeglasses is a definitely a necessary nuisance!

  2. #42
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Week 43

    I see that with all this rain and overcast skies I am starting to fall behind now.

    Anyway, a nice clear sunny day for a change so I decided to visit a little town along the coast. Kingswear - somewhere that I haven't been for many years. Because of the geography, it isn't a straightforward journey.

    Started walking along some old narrow streets towards the coast path and soon encountered a path closed notice. And the diversion - up the steps!

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Eventually, after a few pauses to catch my breath, I reached the top and continued along another road towards the cliff path. But steps, in one form or another, were with me all the way; with very little easy walking areas.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Most of the view was hidden by the trees, or high fences. It didn't seem to be a particularly welcoming area. But eventually, I found a spot where some trees had fallen down and I was able to clearly see Dartmouth Castle on the left and Kingswear Castle on the right.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    7D with Canon 24-105 lens. 1/125 F 11 Iso 200

    And a closer view.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Back in the town, the ferries which connect Dartmouth and Kingswear.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/250 F11 Iso 400.

    Because of the extreme light requirements ranging between heavy shadow and bright low angle sunshine, with subject movement causing problems which prevented using multiple exposures, these all merges of different conversion settings from a Raw shot.
    Nice theme.

  3. #43

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Thanks for comments.

    Not sure about the bark, Bruce. Many things naturally cause bark loss. Squirrels and deer, although possibly more so with young trees in spring; fungi and disease etc getting under the bark. They are certainly growing in a very wet environment.

    There were a few trees nearby which had blown down sometime and were without bark.

    Unlikely to be a person causing the problem; probably some natural cause. The other tree has some obvious damage as well.

  4. #44
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Looking at it from lytebox, I found something interesting here -- in the middle of the two trees there is this shadow blend that is interesting to look at while it continues its reflection on the water. Only a little thing but it is a nice touch in my eyes.
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Thanks for the comments. Starting to catch up on postings now but still need to upload two a week to make my full quota by the end of this year.

    Week 46 - Looking under the bridge.

    Sunny day at last, although a little on the cool side, so I decided to walk along an old railway line which has been turned into a footpath. Not a lot of any photographic merit though.

    Looked at this old bridge from several angles then gave up and walked on. When returning, the light angle was a little bit better so I had a go at it. But realised it was something of a no hope task. Anyway this is the only possible keeper from several different angles. Plus a merge of two conversions with different settings from the same Raw file.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/30 F8 Iso 400 on a tripod.

  5. #45

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Thanks for the comments. Starting to catch up on postings now but still need to upload two a week to make my full quota by the end of this year. ...........................
    Just playing catch up on your series Geoff. Another couple of nice sets. Upping the post rate represents a challenge at this time of year given the weather. Not that there aren't any good subjects around but if you are anything like me, motivation becomes a problem.

  6. #46

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Yes, all that rain and cloudy skies has set me back a bit. Eventually came sunny for a while today, after early morning showers, but with a chilly fresh wind. A balmy day compared with where some CinC members live, but we get soft on the UK south coast!

    I intend to try photographing the local Christmas Lights but it is already clouding over now. The lights definitely aren't anything spectacular, but probably average for any small town with limited funding.

    Anyway, a couple more from yesterday.

    Week 48 - Low Tide

    A bit of a gamble here 'take a shot and see what happens'. Shooting towards the light with strong reflections from wet mud, but the sun had temporarily gone behind some thin cloud. Another set of bracketed exposures which came out as three identical images, so another merge of different Raw conversions.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/1000 F11 Iso 200. The high shutter speed wasn't deliberate; I should have cut the Iso to 100. But I thought this angle worked better than the other options. A rather grey scene but I might be able to selectively raise the midtones on the left side. The cloud is already on the point of highlight over exposure.

    The Angler

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/250 F11 Iso 200. All I could really do here was to expose for the sky then recover what I could from the shadows.

    That old landing stage was originally constructed in Victorian times as a low water landing for the local paddle steamers which plied around the estuary.

    The Swan Family

    While near that landing area this group paddled past. Wrong light angle but I had a go anyway.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/400 F11 Iso 200. All these shots were on Aperture Priority Mode, which tends to be my 'default setting'.
    Last edited by Geoff F; 7th December 2014 at 03:57 PM.

  7. #47

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Love the first one Geoff, sort of speaks mono but not necessarily. I do agree that increasing the mid tone colour contrast would add something and perhaps taking some blue out of the non sky areas.

  8. #48

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    This is what I had in mind for an alternative edit.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Just a few subtle tweaks.

  9. #49
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Love the edit, Geoff...I also like the swans' parade...

  10. #50

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Thanks. I liked the positions of the swans but not quite the light angle of choice, and the leading swan has a mucky neck from feeding in those muddy surroundings.

    Week 49 - The Town Christmas Lights

    Not really a lot to see. These are provided by an under funded Christmas Lights Committee who do what they can but the street lights are brighter, which made photography difficult. Anyway, this is the best I could manage in an attempt to produce something of slight interest.

    And as you will see, shooting at 8 pm on a Sunday meant having to cope with all those jostling crowds and vehicles when shooting from the middle of the road!

    Looking East. Probably the most hopeful of these images. A merge of two different exposures plus quite a bit of editing. 7D with Tamron 24-70 lens with rather slow exposures on a tripod F4 Iso 400

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Looking south.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    And facing the other way.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    A little further along that street, just around the corner.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Shutter speeds were between 1/6 and 1/25.

  11. #51
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    This is a good series...very Christmas-y. At this time, we only have one house with Christmas lights on (not ours) and we do not live near the city so no lights either. Maybe next week....

  12. #52

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Week 50 - On the cliff top path

    One of those sudden perfect December days with blue sky, sunshine and calm wind. After the previous day, it is remarkable how quickly the sea flattened out.

    Which way does the wind blow! Another windswept tree.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens 1/400 F11 Iso 400. I shot this scene a couple of hours previously but although the light angle was better on the signpost then, there was just a plain sky and I think some cloud is needed.

    The coast looking east - towards Bolt Head.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    I tried lowering the Iso to 200 but went back to 400 in order to have a faster shutter on the surf.

    And looking the other way - towards Bolt Tail

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    I did manage to get away with dropping the Iso to 200 for this shot.

  13. #53
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    I only saw two shots here as the first one is not showing. I bet it is also a good photo. I will look at this post again later in the day. These two last ones are good ones, Grahame.

    'Have to edit this post as now I came back and the first one is I can say I really love them all with little differences in my comments as all three of them can exist on its own merits. No favourites here...even the first one is very interesting with the windswept tree, more so in lytebox. The second and third ones are tourism shots if I am allowed to say so...The cloud formation and the protrusion of the rocks at the bottom in #2 is most attractive to me...
    Last edited by IzzieK; 14th December 2014 at 09:24 AM.

  14. #54

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Very nice shots Geoff

  15. #55
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Thanks. I liked the positions of the swans but not quite the light angle of choice, and the leading swan has a mucky neck from feeding in those muddy surroundings.

    Week 49 - The Town Christmas Lights

    Not really a lot to see. These are provided by an under funded Christmas Lights Committee who do what they can but the street lights are brighter, which made photography difficult. Anyway, this is the best I could manage in an attempt to produce something of slight interest.

    And as you will see, shooting at 8 pm on a Sunday meant having to cope with all those jostling crowds and vehicles when shooting from the middle of the road!

    Looking East. Probably the most hopeful of these images. A merge of two different exposures plus quite a bit of editing. 7D with Tamron 24-70 lens with rather slow exposures on a tripod F4 Iso 400

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Looking south.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    And facing the other way.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    A little further along that street, just around the corner.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Shutter speeds were between 1/6 and 1/25.
    Nice lowlight series.

  16. #56
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Nice cliff shots.

  17. #57

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Thanks for the comments. And now - for something rather similar!

    Week 51 - Coast Path Cows

    These graze on fields and open areas near the clifftops. Farmers are mostly moving away from sheep due to dog attacks in the public access areas.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    7D with Tamron 24-70 lens. 1/100 F11 Iso 200. Took quite a lot but only ended up keeping a couple of these landscape scenes. It is so difficult to correctly position a number of cows!

    Not sure of this breed. Possibly a 'hybreed' because I have seen an Aberdeen Angus bull with Ayrshire cows in the area. It certainly looks as though there is quite a lot of Angus in it.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/320 F11 Iso 200. The calf obviously belongs elsewhere.

    Are these Red Devons? Some people are now returning to traditional breeds for that old fashioned meat taste and a number of breeds which were becoming rare are getting more popular once again.

    My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    1/160 F1 Iso 200

    Looks like I have now caught up and just one final week before starting Project 52 - 2015.

    If I can decide on a suitable challenge subject, I might try to continue with these weekly images as well.

  18. #58
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Geoff, an interesting set of photos. How close were you to the cattle in the last two images? I remember visiting on an uncle's dairy farm in Saskatchewan when I was growing up. I always kept a healthy distance from the cows - some were friendlier than others.

    I've enjoyed your weekly photos and hope you continue with them.

  19. #59

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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    These are all fine, Bruce, just walk around to find the best camera angle.

    Quietly talking to them helps a little and obviously be carefully not to make any sudden moves or startle their young. And don't have a dog with you because that can easily alarm them. I have heard stories from people with dogs, off the lead, who have had problems but as soon as they picked up the dog everything calmed down again.

    Earlier this year, in another field, the whole herd would line up behind me and follow with the closest ones being just a couple of feet away. And when I stopped so did they; then followed on when I moved forward. Possibly they could smell some chocolate biscuits in my backpack; they are naturally inquisitive.

    Probably a bit different where they are raised without regular interaction with people.

  20. #60
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: My 2014 Weekly Photos - Part 4

    Cows are interesting and sheep. They are cute....these ones are very nice indeed... the young 'un at the last shot has two bodies! or should I say "meatier"?

    Seriously, I like the first shot. It has a "view".... the second one is nice too but the bigger cow is suffering from a bad hair day...

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