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Thread: First trials with Nik Software

  1. #1

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    First trials with Nik Software

    These are the close up shots of the old aqueduck which I uploaded in CinC before. It is better to view the images at full size because of the foliage and rocks. This is the link for the old thread if you want to see the whole scene. Old Aqueduct

    I tried to edit the images with Viveza, Color Efex Pro 4 and PS CC. Because I'm new into Nik Software it wasn't so easy for me. For one of the images I didn't use the smart filters and it was difficult for me to edit , because I couldn't get back to my old settings when I needed. So, I used the smart filters while editing the other image and it was a lot easier . Do you always use smart filters while editing with Nik Software or is there any other practical way for that?

    Viveza and some filters in CEP4 make life really easier but it will take some time to learn to use them more efficiently.

    C&C are appreciated as always

    First trials with Nik Software

    First trials with Nik Software

  2. #2
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    I think these are two strong images, Binnur. They look great in the lytebox. They may have a lot more interesting stuff going on
    in the foreground and mid-distance than optimal for showing your grand main subject, but they are great images for experimenting with NIK. My experience with Viveza is that I really enjoy the option of control points, and the structure feature adds something useful I do not really have equivalently in LR. Color EFEX pro is difficult for me to use without straying into more PP fancifulness that suits my taste. It’s fun though.

    As for your question, I use LR. I have no experience with taking files from these programs to CC as smart objects but I think this has answers possibly useful to you:

  3. #3

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Based on how well the look achieves your typical style, this might be a good fit for you. Consider cropping both images just above the aqueduct.

    I wonder why you're using Vivezia. I would think the combination of CC and Nik would be sufficient.

    As for smart filters, I use Nik and Lightroom (though only rarely and only when making monochromes). Lightroom doesn't have smart filters and instead use a different and more limited method of returning to a particular point in the post-processing.

  4. #4

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Thanks for looking and commenting Mark , I will look at the link

    Quote Originally Posted by Downrigger View Post
    I think these are two strong images, Binnur. They look great in the lytebox. They may have a lot more interesting stuff going on
    in the foreground and mid-distance than optimal for showing your grand main subject, but they are great images for experimenting with NIK. My experience with Viveza is that I really enjoy the option of control points, and the structure feature adds something useful I do not really have equivalently in LR. Color EFEX pro is difficult for me to use without straying into more PP fancifulness that suits my taste. It’s fun though.

    As for your question, I use LR. I have no experience with taking files from these programs to CC as smart objects but I think this has answers possibly useful to you:

  5. #5

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Thanks for looking and commenting Mike I will look at the crop options you suggest.

    Viveza is already a part of the Nik Software. Nik bundle has 7 programmes in it : Dfine 2.0 , Viveza 2, Color Efex Pro 4, Silver Efex Pro 2, HDR Efex Pro 2, Sharpener Pro 3 and Analog Efex Pro 2. So is there a possibility that you are mentioning Nik instead of Viveza? Because there is no single programme called 'Nik'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Based on how well the look achieves your typical style, this might be a good fit for you. Consider cropping both images just above the aqueduct.

    I wonder why you're using Vivezia. I would think the combination of CC and Nik would be sufficient.

    As for smart filters, I use Nik and Lightroom (though only rarely and only when making monochromes). Lightroom doesn't have smart filters and instead use a different and more limited method of returning to a particular point in the post-processing.

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Here are the crops Mike suggested. IMO crop of #1 looks good but crop of #2 looks a bit weird because there is no enough space below the aqueduct .

    First trials with Nik Software

    First trials with Nik Software

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Binnur - these are great starts and remind me of some of my initial efforts with the Nik suite.

    I still use it fairly often (especially Color Efex Pro 4), but find that I will often merge it with the original, using varying levels of opacity, blending modes and sometimes masks. I find I tend to use the Detail Extractor, Pro Contrast in conjunction with a third or fourth filter and then go back and play in Photoshop to get my final image.

    Keep on playing with it; that's the best way to figure out how you use it.

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Thanks for your encouraging comments Manfred I like the filters regarding contrast in CEP4 too, I also find the GND filters very useful and easy to use. But it will take some time to get experienced and I'm not going to start learning SEP 2 , before learning Viveza and CEP4 thoroughly. It is better to go step by step.

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Binnur - these are great starts and remind me of some of my initial efforts with the Nik suite.

    I still use it fairly often (especially Color Efex Pro 4), but find that I will often merge it with the original, using varying levels of opacity, blending modes and sometimes masks. I find I tend to use the Detail Extractor, Pro Contrast in conjunction with a third or fourth filter and then go back and play in Photoshop to get my final image.

    Keep on playing with it; that's the best way to figure out how you use it.

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    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Nice captures and treatments. Utilize the video tutorials when NIK software, they come in very handy. I use the control points to apply processing to specific areas, the software is a bit tricky to use but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Thank you John I like using the control points , they make life easy indeed. I will look at the videos.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice captures and treatments. Utilize the video tutorials when NIK software, they come in very handy. I use the control points to apply processing to specific areas, the software is a bit tricky to use but you'll get the hang of it eventually.

  11. #11

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Sorry for the confusion, Binnur. I was thinking that Color Efex Pro and CC would be all you would need. If I understand Vivezia correctly, it can't do anything CC can't do.

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    I see Mike Actually everything was easy with Viveza, but I still needed PS CC for some cloning and cropping. Also because I didn't use smart filters for editing one of the images, I couldn't get back to my old settings in Viveza and that's why I did some of the additional adjustments with PS CC. IMO editing with Viveza and using smart filters helps a lot and one doesn't need PS CC very much . I think I will get used to using the software more efficiently in time. I especially like the control points and I don't have to spend a lot of time making precise selections as I have to in PS CC. This is a relief indeed

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Buckley View Post
    Sorry for the confusion, Binnur. I was thinking that Color Efex Pro and CC would be all you would need. If I understand Vivezia correctly, it can't do anything CC can't do.

  13. #13

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Quote Originally Posted by bnnrcn View Post
    I especially like the control points
    That's the exact reason I still use Nikon Capture NX2. Its control points (also developed by Nik) are even a little better than the control points used in Nik's products.

  14. #14
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Hi Binnur,
    Was delighted to see this thread about Nik product as I have been thinking of investing in them. I currently use Lightroom only.

  15. #15
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    I love NIK Software and was one of the first persons to purchase the software after Google purchased the company and reduced the price to a somewhat reasonable level.

    Here are some books on NIK. I own Nik Software Captured: The Complete Guide to Using Nik Software's Photographic Tools and like it quite a bit.

    Note that if you have a way to download Kindle editions, there are seven free books on various NIK aspects. I have not taken advantage of this but, I plan to....

  16. #16

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    Re: First trials with Nik Software

    Binnur, I really like #2.

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