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Thread: Lightroom Help

  1. #1
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    Lightroom Help

    I had a "pro"fessional photographer/editor send me my/this image back edited---he had removed the "shadow"/lifted his hat & I was then able to see his eyes.

    He also fixed the lighting.

    So what I was wondering is if someone could help me to do these/& other edits to my/this photo?
    He won't tell me how he did it:0

    So if someone could please help---and any other help on the image it would be much appreciated!!!
    I kind of need to get this edited ASAP--as the mother wants her photo!!

    I'm usig the monthly subscription to Lightroom & Photoshop......

    Thanks in Advance for all your help!!

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help


    A quick tip that most users follow with LR is move the image to the Develop stage, review the image for most troubling concern and start on that fix first; i.e. if noise is the issue start there. However, most tutorials will tell you to just follow the sequence of the right hand side Develop panel top to bottom. I would strongly recommend purchasing Scott Kelby's book.

    Or find a series of tutorials on youtube.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post

    A quick tip that most users follow with LR is move the image to the Develop stage, review the image for most troubling concern and start on that fix first; i.e. if noise is the issue start there. However, most tutorials will tell you to just follow the sequence of the right hand side Develop panel top to bottom. I would strongly recommend purchasing Scott Kelby's book.

    Or find a series of tutorials on youtube.

    Good luck!
    I like Scott Kelby's books. They are pretty straight forward. Once you get a process figured out you can experiment for yourself.
    At least that is what I do.

  4. #4

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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Laura welcome to CIC, now that is done with. Can you tell me a few things do you know how to post an image to CIC, if not read how to post images, that way you could post a image that you would like help with allowing us to help you. Now second question is what do you know, how to do in either LR or Photoshop CC, this is because it sounds like the person did a very simple edit so we need to know how much you do know. Please do not state "I know very little, but want to learn", we need to know how little as in what you do know.

    Cheers: Allan

  5. #5
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicalMemoriesPhotolaura View Post
    I had a "pro"fessional photographer/editor send me my/this image back edited---he had removed the "shadow"/lifted his hat & I was then able to see his eyes.

    He also fixed the lighting.

    So what I was wondering is if someone could help me to do these/& other edits to my/this photo?
    He won't tell me how he did it:0

    So if someone could please help---and any other help on the image it would be much appreciated!!!
    I kind of need to get this edited ASAP--as the mother wants her photo!!

    I'm usig the monthly subscription to Lightroom & Photoshop......

    Thanks in Advance for all your help!!
    Welcome to CiC Laura!

    Perhaps if you posted the original and the modified copy we could figure out what was done. If you need help posting the image take a look here.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Hi Laura - Welcome to CiC. It would be very useful to us if you posted a copy of the image you are referring to so that we could have a look at it. The before and after shots would be really helpful. Based on your description, I think it is likely the corrections were done in Photoshop, rather than Lightroom because it sounds like the "pro" was making selections in his edits, and this is not something that can be done in Lightroom.

    Adobe has a lot of tutorials on their website and just do a search on the internet for tutorials, there are a lot of them out there, but the quality is quite variable.

    Just a word of warning; learning how to use of these tools is not trivial and both Lightroom and especially Photoshop take a long time to master.

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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicalMemoriesPhotolaura View Post
    I had a "pro"fessional photographer/editor send me my/this image back edited---he had removed the "shadow"/lifted his hat & I was then able to see his eyes.

    He also fixed the lighting.

    So what I was wondering is if someone could help me to do these/& other edits to my/this photo?
    He won't tell me how he did it:0

    So if someone could please help---and any other help on the image it would be much appreciated!!!
    I kind of need to get this edited ASAP--as the mother wants her photo!!

    I'm usig the monthly subscription to Lightroom & Photoshop......

    Thanks in Advance for all your help!!

    I posted a photo

    It must not of come through---what can I do??

    I'm going to respond to your messages--but wanted to tell you I did post/well attempted to post the photo---now what??

  8. #8
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by MagicalMemoriesPhotolaura View Post
    I posted a photo

    It must not of come through---what can I do??

    I'm going to respond to your messages--but wanted to tell you I did post/well attempted to post the photo---now what??

    Try this. HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?

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    Re: Lightroom Help

    This is the image!!

    How do you get to see his eyes?? The "pro"fessional photographer won't tell me how he did it

    Thanks again in Advance!!
    Attached Images Attached Images

  10. #10
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Thank you Very much for the link!!!
    Maybe I'll be able to get help now!!

    Thanks soo much again

  11. #11
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by Polar01 View Post
    Laura welcome to CIC, now that is done with. Can you tell me a few things do you know how to post an image to CIC, if not read how to post images, that way you could post a image that you would like help with allowing us to help you. Now second question is what do you know, how to do in either LR or Photoshop CC, this is because it sounds like the person did a very simple edit so we need to know how much you do know. Please do not state "I know very little, but want to learn", we need to know how little as in what you do know.

    Basically I know NOTHING

    I know to hold the ALT key & slide the Black/White till you see little bits of the color your sliding---I know/kinda know to take the eye dropper & find a neutral area---but that's about it!!!

    I know NOTHING about Photoshop---I figured I'd not even attempt it till I knew more about Light room---would that be right??

    Someone mentioned to read Kelby's books----I'm a hands on learner---I don't comprehend what I read---never have

    I've been buying classes from different sites---HOPING & PRAYING---but still a big NO!!

    I've paid "professional" photographers to give me lessons---the one just wanted my money & taught me NOTHING!!! The other taught me a few things---but then when I get to a shoot---it seems I can't figure it out myself

    I REALLY want to learn this like ASAP!!!

    I appreciate all of you trying to help me!!

    The photo is now posted!!

    Thanks everyone!!


    (sorry I use CAPS a lot---I'm Not screaming though!!---just how I've always typed!!---oh & double !! ) lol
    Cheers: Allan

  12. #12
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Hi Laura - Welcome to CiC. It would be very useful to us if you posted a copy of the image you are referring to so that we could have a look at it. The before and after shots would be really helpful. Based on your description, I think it is likely the corrections were done in Photoshop, rather than Lightroom because it sounds like the "pro" was making selections in his edits, and this is not something that can be done in Lightroom.

    Adobe has a lot of tutorials on their website and just do a search on the internet for tutorials, there are a lot of them out there, but the quality is quite variable.

    Just a word of warning; learning how to use of these tools is not trivial and both Lightroom and especially Photoshop take a long time to master.

    he sent me an email of a very small photo---so I can't

    He did it on purpose!!

  13. #13
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    I assume you are looking to do something like this?

    Lightroom Help

    The correct answer is that you don't take a picture like this by ensuring that you get some light under the hat brim, but I guess it is too late for this. I've posted what I've done (something quick and easy) in the screen shot. It uses two layers, so this is not something that can be done in Lightroom

    1. Load the image into Photoshop.
    2. Duplicate the layer and set the blending mode to "Screen".
    3. Add a layer mask (black) that hides the layer contents.
    4. Use a white brush with an opacity of around 10% and carefully brush around the parts in shadow until you get the eyes to the level you want. NOTE: Paint on the layer mask, not the image.

    This takes around 1 minute to do (if even that long). You can see the layers, blending mode used and layer mask in the layers pallette beside your image.
    Last edited by Manfred M; 8th January 2015 at 05:27 PM.

  14. #14
    Mark von Kanel's Avatar
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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Hi Laura.

    This can be done i Lightroom but it doesnt do as neat a job without a lot of effort, this took about 60 seconds to do so you can do a neater job, it was done with the adjustment brush in the develop modual all i did was lighten the shadows to 79 and raise the exposure by .30

    Lightroom Help

  15. #15

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    Re: Lightroom Help

    Laura thanks for the replies, now to one of your comments "I REALLY want to learn this like ASAP!!!" not going to happen sorry to say. Once you are in a rush, what you learned 5 minutes ago you have forgotten when you tried to learn the next step, it's just overload for some people. I also like the hands on approach instead of books. As you know what the black and white sliders do I will assume you know what the exposure, highlights, and shadow sliders also do, in this case the shadow slider would have helped to bring out some detail from under the brim of the hat.
    Now do not let the LR people make you afraid of Photoshop CC as it is too difficult to learn, that is crap, in LRs' Development it is the same as Photoshop's ACR (Adobe Camera Raw), same sliders, same adjustment brush, crop, WB tool, just the layout on your monitor is different the tools all do the same thing. Once you have finished in LR that is it, the image is finished, in Photoshop ACR, we hit "open" which opens the image in Photoshop where we get a hold big bag of tools that LR users only wish for. Now Manfred did it one way, I would have done it another way and someone else may have done it a third way, that is one of the great things about Photoshop, many ways to do something to get the same result that works for the way we think.
    Now for the person that did the retouch, if you are paying for my experience and knowledge to process and retouch images I am not going to tell you how to do it, that is what I do for a living. On the other hand if you were paying me to teach you how to do post processing, I would show and tell you how to do it but not do the job for you.
    For instruction I would suggest a local college, another good one is a local camera club and the big one is "SLOW DOWN", you can not learn everything at once it takes practice and a ton more practice, then you learn that is still takes a ton more of practice. What Manfred did took less than a minute to do, I could do it in likewise time but a different way to get the same results, why did it take us that time, we did it without really having to think about it, and that takes experience and that comes through practice and more practice.
    So slow down and think it will come just not yesterday or today.

    Cheers: Allan

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