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Thread: Bhutan man

  1. #1
    Jill's Avatar
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    Bhutan man

    Bhutan man

    I have been working on black and white photography lately.
    Such as, how to process and how to recognize what would make a good black and white photo.

    Any suggestions welcome and critique.
    Also anything else that would add to my knowledge
    Thanks Jill

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    Portraits almost always makes for good B & W and your image would qualify. Nice background, doesn't distract from your subject.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Bhutan man

    It's really a shame that you have posted only 21 messages; with that quality of photography, we would all benefit if you posted more often. The image is so good that it has to be be seen in the largest version available in the Lytebox to be fully appreciated.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 14th January 2015 at 09:40 PM.

  4. #4
    GBO25's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    Excellent! Maybe slightly tightly cropped on the right but otherwise excellent. Oh and in passing I should say it's excellent.

  5. #5
    mknittle's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    Quote Originally Posted by GBO25 View Post
    Excellent! Maybe slightly tightly cropped on the right but otherwise excellent. Oh and in passing I should say it's excellent.
    What he said

  6. #6

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    Re: Bhutan man

    Yes, exactly my first thoughts.

    But only fractionally tight. I find that with portraits they either need that slight edge space or often work well when very tightly cropped so the top of the head is beyond the image edge.

  7. #7
    Jill's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    Quote Originally Posted by GBO25 View Post
    Excellent! Maybe slightly tightly cropped on the right but otherwise excellent. Oh and in passing I should say it's excellent.
    Thank you Graham,
    This is agreed with by others, I was wondering if you felt it needed to be centered or just more breathing space.

    When I did the crop I felt it needed to be off center, him looking into the frame and also it was a bit too bright on the right and easier to crop. (I know, no excuse). I could have given him lots more room.
    Thanks for you comment. Jill

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    Jil - a very, very nice shot, although at first glance I would have guessed Tibetan, rather than Bhutanese.

    If I were to get really picky, a few thoughts:

    1. Try to reduce the shine on the face a touch. It's just a bit too bright for my taste. On the other hand, you have to be very careful in doing so, because you don't want to eliminate all the lines and wrinkles in that very interesting face.

    2. He's looking slightly to camera left, so I would have done what you have and left a bit more room on the left, rather than getting the shot more centred. I might play with the crop on the left side of the image to see if that improves the composition a bit.

    3. I prefer the eyes when they are higher in the frame, so I might want to see what the shot looks like if you crop down on the hair a bit more; but you still want to preserve the hair line. My guess sort of half way between where you have the crop now and the top of the forehead.

    To repeat what others have said; great shot, and please keep on posting!

  9. #9
    Jill's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    A special thanks for the input, you have put a lot of thought into it.
    I really appreciate this as it gives me other angles to think about.
    It opens my eyes to other possibilities.

  10. #10
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Bhutan man

    Quote Originally Posted by Jill View Post
    A special thanks for the input, you have put a lot of thought into it.
    I really appreciate this as it gives me other angles to think about.
    It opens my eyes to other possibilities.
    No problem Jill - this is just a reminder that I need to go back and play with B&W again. I haven't done much recently.

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