Ok Ron, now that I know what lame software you are using

, I can tell you how to resize your photograph...or photo merge as it rightfully called. In Photoshop, you hold down Ctrl + Alt then press the letter I on your keyboard. You will see the title on top of the window called Image Size. Down a little bit you will see Width then Height. Make sure it says Pixels on both Width and Height at the left side. Then see which will be the longest side (the greater number). As I had seen from your photo it was a portrait orientation, so the longest side will be the Height.
Before you change any numbers, make sure you look at the selection at the bottom of the window. You will see Scale Styles, Constrain Proportions and Resample Image. Make sure there is a check on all three selections.
Now go to your Height and Width again and look -- since your photo is portrait oriented, choose Height and type 1200. Again, make sure the size is in
pixels at the left side of Height. Press OK.
You will find that your photo is now looking a bit smaller. Zoom in. Save the image as a Jpg. and it will be acceptable to Tiny Pics.