Is the first image just a fraction on the red side?
B&W certainly works well here and I particularly like the pose of the last image which reminds me of those formal photographs of gentlemen in the Victorian and Edwardian periods.
I see more blue in the color versions, prefer the B & W versions.
I like the B/W versions. For some reason the larger primates all seem to do particularly well in B/W(in my opinion). Also the B/W version seem to reduce the effects of shooting through the plexiglass. Maybe psychological but there it is none the less.
Oh, definitely the last one. The first two have that diagonal bar. The third is good in colour, but the colour doesn't look natural for some reason (the plastic screen perhaps). The last is very good. He looks like I feel at the moment, so I can empathize with him. Perhaps try to tone down that trunk as it's tad bright, but you captured the creature very well.
I prefer both in Black and White...because the first one seems to be a little bit on the red side and the second one is more on the bluish side. But you have enough information on both to transform this to B/W and it showed very well on the fur and the expressions. You have certainly moved on successfully from when you uploaded your first shot to show us here. And such a short time too. Congratulations. Well done.
You have capture some wonderful poses here, Barbara. I think I have seen that 2nd guy in parliament.
I think the B&Ws are definitely the way forward on these shots, and darn good shots they are. But for pure character, #2 is great. He(?) appears to be sizing you up, after which he will summarily dismiss you as not worthy of his attention.
John, Dan, Rob, Izzie, Greg and Jack thank you. These guys were so full of facial expressions and came right up to the plexi, almost made you think they wanted to converse. I got so many wonderful shots that were unusable due to the dirty plexi. Between the kids and the monkeys it seems to stay pretty streaky. I was able to find a few clean spots to get these.
Such great expressions on their faces. The intelligence in those eyes is incredible. I definitely prefer the black and white versions.
Sorry, Izzie, I have to answer. No, Abbott is my hero. He slew two prime ministers - one, twice, depending on your view of krudd's resurrection.
The doctor couldn't do it...
The banker couldn't do it...
'Twas the Abbott,
who brought the great red monster to her knees!