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Thread: Backyard bird pics (setup)

  1. #1
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Hey guys, long time no post! Wanted to share a few of my latest pics. These are backyard birds with an artificial setup. Some people don't like setup shots, but I personally love them because it allows me to create images that are of the artistic style that I prefer. The techniques I used to get the shots were largely learned from some ebooks and videos that I purchased from Alan Murphy. However, I tweaked things as needed for my situation, and also took a couple of them to a more extreme level with more complex techniques and lighting.

    Since I figure someone will mention it, two of the shots have the birds NOT looking at the camera. I would have liked that, but you can't win them all!

    Best viewed at 100%. Thanks for looking.

    #1 Junco
    Backyard bird pics (setup)

    #2 Chestnut-Backed Chickadee
    Backyard bird pics (setup)

    #3 Bewick's Wren
    Backyard bird pics (setup)

  2. #2
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Great result Matt.

    However you achieved these I'm not sure it's really a set up unless you are claiming you have trained the birds to pose in that position (a green laughing smiley here).

  3. #3
    Ndukes's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Superb portraits Matt. The setup works really well and doesn't look contrived.

  4. #4
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Matt...does this mean you shot the birdies then composite them in their position? They are all beautiful shots.

  5. #5
    marlunn's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Matt, really lovely images and great lighting, 'set up' just means you created an environment they came to and you were prepared for, unless you want to confess they were were stuffed or in a small aviary - and I dont believe that !

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    It's not like you can control the birds, their head movement is so rapid that you're lucky to get the shot at all. Nice series.

  7. #7

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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Hi Matt,

    Hard work always pays off.
    I can see the dedication in these shots. It shows!

    Top shelf bird shots, IMHO.

  8. #8

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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Matt, let me preface this by saying that those are stellar images.

    And now my rant...I am a believer in that the only thing that matters is the final image, regardless of
    how it was taken/created. I don't care if ya chilled the bugs, captured the lions in a zoo, trained the
    beasts as with Pavlov's conditioning, or totally created it in Photoshop. It doesn't matter a whit.

    The rant was initiated as the result by my being denigrated, on another site mind you, by my
    suggesting that the OP cut the flowers and take them inside for better lighting scenarios.
    From the reaction, one would have thought that I was suggesting killing a puppy for better
    effects. I vented on that site as well.

  9. #9

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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Wonderful images, Matt!

    Quote Originally Posted by FlyingSquirrel View Post
    two of the shots have the birds NOT looking at the camera
    Many classic poses in human portraiture involve the subject not looking at the camera. Not specializing in animal photogrpahy, I didn't realize it is a so-called problem when animals don't.

  10. #10
    Suzan J's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Hi Matt: Love the little birds, especially the chickadee. What do you mean by "artificial set-up". I'm a bit confused on that point?

  11. #11

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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    What ever and however you edited and processed the pics the end result is a great capture .

  12. #12
    Nicks Pics's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    All of them nice. The HA of the latter two doesn't disturb me to much. You can still see the eyes. The mossy stick adds a lot to the first one.

  13. #13
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Classic images; really enjoyed their beauty

    Thank you

  14. #14

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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Excellent set, Matt. You're putting your gear to good use. If you going to mention the "setup", then you should have expounded a bit on the difficulty. You make it sound to easy. From my own experience I know better.

    All three shots are great. "Direct" eye contact from birds is somewhat nebulous. As you know they rarely look good literally looking straight at the camera with both eyes symetrical. Head turned slightly toward the camera with one eye clear and w/catch light is optimal. IMO any angle toward the camera between pure profile and straight frontal works. The first two shots are both nice in that regard. The third is turned slightly away but the eye is still visible. Plus IMO the overall pose of the bird and overall quality of the shot overcomes and potential criticism of the head positon.

    All three are really nice with positon of the birds, complimentary perches, clean BG, and excellent techs. Nicely done.

  15. #15
    FrankMi's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Lovely images Matt! I'd really like to know what part of the images are 'setup' and what part is SOOC as I can't tell.

    One thing is really curious. How did you get the Wren in the third shot to do the Hokey-Pokey?

  16. #16
    Downrigger's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Wonderful shots. I am going to do some studying up on Alan Murphy to understand better how you achieved this great result.

  17. #17
    Nate's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Matt, stellar images. IMO staging your birding area is almost a necessity for quality backyard bird shots.

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post being denigrated, on another site mind you, by my
    suggesting that the OP cut the flowers and take them inside for better lighting scenarios.
    From the reaction, one would have thought that I was suggesting killing a puppy for better
    That's funny - I recently read a Scott Kelby book where he recommended cut flowers so you could better control lighting and background for floral shots. Everybody's got a hang-up I guess.

  18. #18
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Nicely captured

  19. #19
    FlyingSquirrel's Avatar
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    Re: Backyard bird pics (setup)

    Wow, the response has been much greater than I expected. Many thanks to all who responded! It’s great to hear from many of the “familiar faces” and friends on the forum. I’m especially happy to hear from Mike, given that he once mentioned that he doesn’t typically view or comment on bird photos! I also appreciated the typical philosophical comment, regarding the classic paintings. Definitely food for thought. Thanks, Mike

    Since some of you asked, I’ll respond to your questions...and you know that once I get writing, it’s hard for me to stop! Anyway, I hope that the following information is very helpful and helps you produce nice images, assuming you are serious about it.

    I’ll admit that I was hesitant to give a lot of detail regarding the setups, mostly because I felt an obligation to merely point you all in the direction of Alan Murphy’s spectacular ebooks and videos. He does have a few free Youtube videos which will give you a general idea of how he creates his staged images, including a nice woodpecker setup, and some goldfinch shots. That said, Alan’s informational products for purchase do contain amazing detail and distinctions which cannot be discovered online for free, to my knowledge. And no, I am not affiliated with him in any way and do not get compensated for promoting his stuff

    I decided to post a separate thread with the setup details, in order to help a higher number of people by making it more visible. You can read the thread here....

    How I shot my backyard bird images
    Last edited by FlyingSquirrel; 28th January 2015 at 08:22 AM.

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