RT has a wiki now. It can be more use than the manual but afraid it doesn't seem to cover this particular problem
I run RT and the GIMP on Linux and as expected it comes defaulting to export to the GIMP. Just tried it as I usually save and reload images.
Out of interest I loaded a jpg into RT as it was on my desktop. The GIMP pointed out that it would be reduced to 8 bit as RT exported it at as 16bit TIFF even though it was an 8 bit image that it had loaded. The GIMP will also mention that the image it has received from RT has an RT colour profile. I generally tell it to retain it.
I have loaded 16bit png into the GIMP and it just seems to load them but I am not sure how much of the GIMP is actually capable of working at this bit depth. I also believe that they are aiming to use 32 bit floating point and that this graphics engine is now in it. As I understand it this whole area wont be fully cleared up until version 3.
GIMP 2.8.14 and RT 4.1.83
- Just thought if the problem persists go ask on their forum. Sometimes that is the only way they realise that they may have a problem. It's what I do if I can't sort it out myself.