Last edited by Whistletown Wilds; 18th February 2015 at 04:34 PM. Reason: another photo
He's very elusive to us. I don't think your upload worked.
I see that you are having problems displaying your shots on CiC.
Please refer to the instructions on this thread to help you: HELP THREAD: How can I post images here?
Very nice series and captured well, good composition.
It's not easy getting shots like these, amazing sequence of something we seldom (if ever) get to see. Of the three I like the third one the best, both for the scene itself as well as that it appears a bit sharper (more in focus) than the other two. I have to admit I'm surprised that the duck survived the attack. Great shots and welcome aboard, look forward to seeing more of your work.
Well done!
It shows why, like Sherwood, I always carry my point-and-shoot camera with me. However, I have never been as fortunate to get such an amazing sequence.
Almost perfect shots but unfortunately your camera seems to have focused on the hard edged stones instead of the soft edged birds, which is a common problem with autofocus. And with a wide aperture your focus depth was restricted. Shutter speed was also a little slow for moving subjects.
But you already had a high Iso setting so there wasn't much available in the way of alternatives.
Really interesting scenes, even with slight technical difficulties.
Awesome sequence of photos. Another demonstration of the old adage that the best camera is the one that's with you. I have to say based on the placement of the hawk's talons, I doubt that the title of the thread is ultimately accurate. Perhaps "The Duck Escaped".
I like the 3rd picture best...but the sequence is all right...very rare shot...good job!