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Thread: Lighting receptals?

  1. #1

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    Lighting receptals?

    I have several of these things that I picked up at Costco...
    except mine are 100 Watt and are dimmable.

    Been using them with Home Depot clamp-on shop light's a PITA scenario.

    I want different receptacles, at least semi-professional like, for the bulbs that I can attach things like
    snoots onto...suggestions?

  2. #2
    Loose Canon's Avatar
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    I don’t know if this might help Chaunce…

    There are some manufacturers that make softboxes for speed lights that are umbrella mount type so you could use that style of modifiers for this socket and it fits on a light stand.

    Won’t help for a snoot. But if you are using these type lights:

    You can take the silver reflector off of one the socket of these and tape or clamp it in reverse (big end to big end) to the one you are using for a light and that will give you a snoot.

  3. #3

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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
    You can take the silver reflector off of one the socket of these and tape or clamp it in reverse (big end to big end) to the one you are using for a light and that will give you a snoot.
    I'm sure there is a reason I never thought of doing that. It surely has something to do with a significantly deficient amount of grey matter.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 19th February 2015 at 05:25 PM.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    I've used cinefoil to create a makeshift snoot. The stuff works remarkably well.

  5. #5

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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    That clamp light that Terry linked to are the lights that I currently use, with wrapped aluminum foil
    used as a snoot.
    That cinefoil that Manfred suggested is black...should it not be something reflective to enhance
    the light, rather than black that would absorb the light?

  6. #6
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    I’ve been meaning to get a roll of this stuff for the studio Manfred. For quite some time now actually.

    It looks like it would have a ton of uses and be easy to work with. I’ve heard good things about it.

    I have to flag my camera lens a lot (not to mention a lot of flagging elsewhere). I wonder to myself if making a kind of barn door type flag to put over the lens might be something easier than standing or hanging flags?

    My answer to myself is “I guess that would depend on from where I’m getting the flare”.

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    That cinefoil that Manfred suggested is black...should it not be something reflective to enhance
    the light, rather than black that would absorb the light?
    The inside of my commercially produced snoot is a matt black too. You want a very tight beam of directed light, not light that bounces all over the place as it leaves the snoot.

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
    I’ve been meaning to get a roll of this stuff for the studio Manfred. For quite some time now actually.

    It looks like it would have a ton of uses and be easy to work with. I’ve heard good things about it.

    I have to flag my camera lens a lot (not to mention a lot of flagging elsewhere). I wonder to myself if making a kind of barn door type flag to put over the lens might be something easier than standing or hanging flags?

    My answer to myself is “I guess that would depend on from where I’m getting the flare”.
    Terry, the stuff is wonderful. It and gaffer tape should be part of any studio. The key advantage of using it that it can be bent (and straightend out (sort of)) any way you want. There's a role for the more standard flags (I use some old black foam core), but cinefoil is perfect when you need a "custom" flag.

  9. #9
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Sounds like I need to get off my duff and go ahead and pull the trigger on a roll!

    I’m getting a little off topic but I’ve thought about putting together a list of useful studio stuff. My studio has boxes and shelves of “stuff” most of which civilians would consider junk. Wire, fishing line, bulldog clips, the list is endless. But I use every bit of it at one time or another.

    I needed my gaffer tape the other day. Nowhere to be found. I searched top to bottom for two days. No good. I never misplace my studio stuff.

    Wifey-Poo comes home and pulls my gaffer tape out of her purse! I ask what she is doing with my dadgone expensive gaffer tape. She says “oh, I needed some duct tape for something at the office”! I may never have known what happened to it if she hadn’t decided to bring it back to the house!

    The trials and tribulations we have to put up with sometimes!

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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loose Canon View Post
    Sounds like I need to get off my duff and go ahead and pull the trigger on a roll!
    I've also had that product on my B&H wish list ever since I noticed Manfred's first mention of it. Never bought it but for no particular reason. I also should buy it.

    a list of useful studio stuff...I use every bit of it at one time or another.
    I explain to my wife that I rarely use most of my accessories but when I do use them, they're unbelievably useful.

    Wifey-Poo comes home and pulls my gaffer tape out of her purse!
    My wife and I have only two ground rules: We call each other if either of us is going to be home after midnight and she never removes any studio stuff without telling me.

    The trials and tribulations we have to put up with sometimes!
    Ummmm, I can't bring that up to my wife because she puts up with a lot more with me than the other way around. My only saving grace is that she requires daily sustenance and I do all the cooking. Otherwise, I'd be in huge trouble when it comes to household negotiations.

  11. #11
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    I wanted to rant, rail, ban her from the garage, but make no mistake, I know how lucky I am to have her!

    Besides she would just tape my mouth closed with my own gaffer tape, kick my posterior and have done with it!

  12. #12

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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    should it not be something reflective to enhance the light, rather than black that would absorb the light?
    That depends on what you want to accomplish. I have a commercially made snoot that is reversible; one side is highly reflective and the other side is matte black. I've only used the matte black side.

  13. #13

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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    I ordered that cinefoil, it will arrive next week. Have no clue as to how much more dense/thick
    compared to aluminum foil, is it reusable or more of a use once and toss it?

  14. #14

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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    is it reusable
    I just wanna know if I can reuse it for cooking.

  15. #15
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Lighting receptals?

    Quote Originally Posted by chauncey View Post
    I ordered that cinefoil, it will arrive next week. Have no clue as to how much more dense/thick
    compared to aluminum foil, is it reusable or more of a use once and toss it?
    You'll figure that out quickly enough. I got it locally, not B&H so don't know if it is the same material.

    Mine is like thicker aluminum foil, and I generally get several uses out of it. I try to used old stuff for a snoot-type use and new stuff to flag things with. Eventually it gets too crumpled to bother straightening out or it gets torn and out it goes. Sometimes I'm just to lazy to bother trying and out it goes.

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