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Thread: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

  1. #1
    Max von MeiselMaus's Avatar
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    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    I have recently joined here and am very much enjoying the community spirit. I was also grateful for the useful comments and encouragement when I posted some of the new stuff I had been trying. So, I thought I should show some of the stuff that first taught me how to wield a camera in earnest. Toy photography. For any who are considering it, I would say that it is an ideal way to get to grips with studio photography on the cheap. It can be done quite happily with desk lamps and bits of card. It can teach you the basics of both still life and portraiture. You also have as many opportunities for practice as you have spare evenings. Your subjects are always there.

    These are mostly resin ball-jointed dolls, ranging from 30-70cm in size.

    So, here is some of the stuff I have been doing over the years.

    As ever, any comments, crit and suggestions are always welcome. Some of these are a few years old, when blur and noise were my best friends, so try not to look too closely at that.

    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

  2. #2

    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Some of the oddest things I've seen on this forum, yet I love it and want more! Very interesting and I love your lighting.

  3. #3
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Excellent! But almost creepy.

    I have a hard time looking for fear something is real.

    I can see why you use them, though. They are tireless and stay put.



  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Very interesting shots. Maybe a couple of them would take a fraction more highlight brightness? Well composed and good clear focus.

  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Nicely done series, some very lifelike faces.

  6. #6
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Very Impressive...

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Beautiful work, Max. A nice run through of some of the classical lighting techniques to boot.

    The nice thing about dolls is that they seem to take direction better than people...

  8. #8

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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Odd eerie and wonderful all at the same time!

  9. #9
    joebranko's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Very impressive and most interesting!

  10. #10
    Max von MeiselMaus's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    Quote Originally Posted by Texas Dave View Post
    Some of the oddest things I've seen on this forum.
    That seriously made me laugh. Yes, bloody weird, but I have stopped apologising for my strange obsession and am now standing loud and proud for toy photography! It's fun, it's a challenge and it keeps me out of trouble.

    Marie, yes. These dolls can send you off on a one way trip to the Uncanny Valley all by themselves.

    Geoff, I agree. Technically, many of these are WAY off. It is pretty satisfying, though, to look back at some of the photos I took five-six years ago and see that I have progressed. Back then, it was enough just to get something reasonably composed and in focus. It proves I have learned something.

    Thanks, John. I paint the faces myself, which is half the fun of having them.

    Thanks, Richard.

    Manfred, dolls are so patient, you wouldn't believe! And, yes, I learned all I know about portrait lighting from messing about with the dolls. Perhaps I should move onto people some day. I would be tempted to go over and move their arms and heads about, though. Most people wouldn't welcome that sort of interference, I suspect.

    Thanks, Barbara. It isn't to everyone's taste, but I enjoy it.

    Thanks, Joe. Glad you liked it.

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    I don't know anything about formal portraiture but I sure do like the costumes and the use of Vivaldi's Gloria.

  12. #12
    DonnaK's Avatar
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    Re: Image dump of a rather peculiar specialisation

    These are wonderful images. They are cool and strange at the same time. What you have done with your lighting setup is excellent. The fact that you painted the faces makes them all the more special. Your patience with learning how to place and photograph them has paid off. I like them a lot.

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