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Thread: Aperture is no more

  1. #1
    Adrian's Avatar
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    Aperture is no more

    Apple are busily emailing their customer base saying that we will no longer be able to buy copies of Aperture and that from now on the upgrade path is via the gloried iPhoto system in OSX.

    The writing has been on the wall for years which is why I abandoned Aperture a couple of years ago.

  2. #2
    davidedric's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture is no more

    And I thought by some magic we could do it all with shutter speed, iso and electronics

  3. #3
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture is no more

    I intend to keep using Aperture for several more years. Then I will have to convert to Lightroom or alternative. I am quite cheesed off that Apple is dropping Aperture. I cannot understand how a company that earns as much as Apple needs to be more efficient and cost effective (or whatever the rationale is). It is quite obvious they have lost any interest in software beyond OS plus basic mass market stuff.

    iCloud storage is of no use to me as I live in a rural area and have an internet connection that is sporadic and slow.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture is no more

    Trevor - Apple has morphed from a computer company with some really well regarded software into a consumer goods company where the computer side seems to be really neglected. Apple used to own the graphic arts business with there hardware and software. Everyone from television production houses to feature film studios were using Final Cut Pro 6 & 7 as their primary editing tool. Out comes the amateurish Final Cut Pro X, and they lose that part of the business.

    The refresh cycle on the Mac Pro has been abysmal, and the iMac not really keeping up either. Serious photographers and videographers do not edit on laptops. I think we are seeing another message here too.

    Again, Aperture has been neglected as well (and now killed off). Like all of the other examples, this product no longer seems to fit in with the consumer goods focused goals. Apple is gently saying goodbye to it's graphic arts / creative roots and is slowly killing off support for that community. The only thing that is still driving this business is that the creative community is stubbornly sticking with Apple, although it is becoming harder to fathom why...

  5. #5
    Venser's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture is no more

    When I went from 10.8.* (Mountain Lion) to 10.10.* (Yosemite) and Aperture stopped working, that was the day I switched to Lightroom and PS. It turns out if you skipped 10.9.* (Mavericks) the update for Aperture doesn't work. I had to call Apple to get a new registration key and reinstall Aperture to access my photos.

    I always feared the day I would stop using Apple and had to convert my library over. Apple simply sped up the process.

  6. #6
    dubaiphil's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture is no more

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post

    The refresh cycle on the Mac Pro has been abysmal, and the iMac not really keeping up either. Serious photographers and videographers do not edit on laptops. I think we are seeing another message here
    Gulp! As a former laptop using photog now considering an iMac retina

    Big gulp ;-)

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture is no more

    Quote Originally Posted by dubaiphil View Post
    Gulp! As a former laptop using photog now considering an iMac retina

    Big gulp ;-)
    Phil - all the serious (mostly commercial) photographers I know do their major edits on a desktop. Is this true for 100% of the population of serious photographers? Obviously not. I should have been a bit more clear in my definition. The other common thread with all of them is that their primary end product is prints, rather than digital output. Again, this simply means much of their work for sale or show, is a traditional print.

    Most of them are 50+years old and their eyes are not good enough to do detailed edits on a small screen and so far as I remember most, if not all, are dual-screen users. When one gets into video, a large screen is even more critical given the large amount of screen real estate that is devoted to core functionality of non-linear editors. They all also have laptops; the majority use MacBook Pros.

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