When I first took up photography, I knew that it was one of the more expensive pastimes to have, and went into it with open eyes.
As the years have gone on, so has the cost, but this has been absorbed because of my passion for it.
But there comes a time when I have to stop and think, and really do have to ask myself 'Are they taking the p!&&'?
My latest example is the Westcott Ice Light. It looks like a great bit of kit, particularly for light painting on vehicles etc, something which I enjoy, so looked at this as a replacement for my large torch.
HOW MUCH???????
Here in the UK I was looking at around £300 ($460 US) for the basic light, with a further £250 ($380 US) for the accessories kit.
So the question is.........How on gods green earth can Westcott justify that figure? There is very little tech in the light, and the accessories are plain, nothing special.
Are we really being taken for idiots now? Remember this was an 'option' to replace my 2 million candle power LED, Lithium powered lamp, which only cost me £60!
Whilst I will pay for certain items of a certain quality, but come on, lets play the game manufacturers.
What are your thoughts guys? Are we being ripped off?