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Thread: Look at the Plane!

  1. #1
    ST1's Avatar
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    Look at the Plane!

    I had a quick visit to St Mary's Lighthouse yesterday, I think the plane is a British Aerospace 146, it had no markings that I could see as it headed towards Newcastle airport. I just thought it and the mother and children added to the image.

    #1 Look at the plane
    Exif: ISO100, f16, 1/180 sec

    Look at the Plane!

    #2 A slightly different composition.
    Exif: ISO100, f16, 1/90 sec
    Look at the Plane!

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    I like the second image as there is at least some suggested movement in the foreground and the background structures have an offset symmetry. I'd lose most of the foreground in the first image. Nice efforts.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Hi Peter,

    I agree with John regarding the foreground in #1, with the 'extra' subjects, it (the foreground) doesn't add to the composition.

    On #1, I'd be tempted to move the plane, by cloning, two lengths 'backwards' along its flightpath, just so it isn't quite so near the corner.

    With #2, I like the comp. but might add (if possible) another 40-50 pixels ON to the left hand edge.

    Good exposures and DoF also on these.

  4. #4

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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    But a crop of #1 foreground would mean having a different size ratio. I wouldn't really want to lose anything from the sides. Same ratio as #2 possibly.

    Yes, I agree with reversing the plane slightly.

  5. #5

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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Personal preference is for pic #2 , the added details are not signifigant nor do theyseem to add to the main subject in pic #1 to me they are a slight distraction . The people also seem to far apart from the main suject leaving in my opinion unessential sky space without a specific objective . Only my personal preference, nice exposure and DOF

  6. #6

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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    I had a quick visit to St Mary's Lighthouse yesterday, I think the plane is a British Aerospace 146, it had no markings that I could see as it headed towards Newcastle airport. I just thought it and the mother and children added to the image.

    #1 Look at the plane
    Exif: ISO100, f16, 1/180 sec

    Look at the Plane!

    #2 A slightly different composition.
    Exif: ISO100, f16, 1/90 sec
    Look at the Plane!
    How about something like this for number 2

    Look at the Plane!

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    I side with the #2 fan club here, Peter...
    +1 to John's comments and suggestions.

  8. #8

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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    I prefer the first shot, it tells a story. The second shot IMO is another lighthouse photo.

  9. #9
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    As usual, I looked at them and decided to crop. The foreground texture of the ripples is mildly interesting in #1 but doesn't really do much pictorially. So, I threw it away and ended up with a Panorama.

    Look at the Plane!

    I felt the same about #2 Maybe a lower shutter speed from a tripod and ND filters to make the foreground water over rock a bit more silky would help but it's just too static. So, I disposed of it again.

    Look at the Plane!

    A bit of a move to the left would have eliminated the gap between the foreground feature pilings and the light. As it is, it's what I call a ping-pong picture. Something on the left, something on the right but nothing to do but switch between them.

  10. #10
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saorsa View Post
    As usual, I looked at them and decided to crop. The foreground texture of the ripples is mildly interesting in #1 but doesn't really do much pictorially. So, I threw it away and ended up with a Panorama.

    Look at the Plane!

    I felt the same about #2 Maybe a lower shutter speed from a tripod and ND filters to make the foreground water over rock a bit more silky would help but it's just too static. So, I disposed of it again.

    Look at the Plane!

    A bit of a move to the left would have eliminated the gap between the foreground feature pilings and the light. As it is, it's what I call a ping-pong picture. Something on the left, something on the right but nothing to do but switch between them.
    OK, after posting I wondered why I didn't think that #1 was a ping pong picture.

    I think that you first see the lighthouse which dominates the picture, then, you see the figures and one of them is pointing above the light house. There is a nice line of clouds arcing over and framing the lighthouse. You follow the pointing finger and discover the aircraft. Neat. Then, you relax and see the lighthouse again and comprehend the image as a whole.

  11. #11
    Saorsa's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Why is ratio important?

    I often submit images to my local club for evaluation by a couple of folks who are experienced salon judges. I always listen to them but tend to go my own way.

    One often complains about my pano crops when he sees them but always seems to rate them higher than the standard ratios if I present them a couple of months apart.

    The panos are obvious but I tend to completely ignore aspect ratios and crop freehand to suit the image. Then, I resize as required for the exhibition/salon. If it means losing a few pixels top or side, so be it. In fact, I sometimes think the change in aspect ratio makes its own impact in the few seconds that judges have to view an individual image.

  12. #12

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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Quote Originally Posted by Saorsa View Post
    Why is ratio important?

    I often submit images to my local club for evaluation by a couple of folks who are experienced salon judges. I always listen to them but tend to go my own way.

    One often complains about my pano crops when he sees them but always seems to rate them higher than the standard ratios if I present them a couple of months apart.

    The panos are obvious but I tend to completely ignore aspect ratios and crop freehand to suit the image. Then, I resize as required for the exhibition/salon. If it means losing a few pixels top or side, so be it. In fact, I sometimes think the change in aspect ratio makes its own impact in the few seconds that judges have to view an individual image.
    ++1 from me to this.

    As to the two images, it's the first one for me Peter. It's a nicely balanced composition. The FG says where you are and the figures stop the compositional weight being left centric (did I really say that?). The FG rocks, the figures and the lighthouse form a strong compositional triangle. I would lose the BAe 146 altogether. The people could just as well be pointing at the lighthouse and the A/C is distracting to my eye. The second comp is really in two halves IMHO. Maybe a couple of steps to the left would have increased the perspective link between the posts and the lighthouse more but as is, the space in the middle tends to separate rather than link the two. But as I say, all IMHO.

  13. #13
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Look at the Plane!

    Thank you everyone for your comments, suggestions and crop/flip examples, much appreciated

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