This is a fine view with or without the cottage. It is only marred by what looks like chain-link fencing at the left.
I like how the rock formations leads the eyes toward the cottage.
Hi Chris , nice to see you postingIt is a nice scene, the cottage seems a bit lost among the hills and rocks. It would be nice to see if you have closer shots of it. For this scene, I like the rocks acting as leading lines towards the cottage.
Thanks John and John. It was from members on this site that I learned about leading lines and how to use them thanks again.
Hi Binnur
Its been a while but I have been really busy. I have closer shots of this cottage just haven't had a chance to edit them yet. I am working on a series of shots from an abandoned/hidden village in Ireland. Will post them soon. Thanks again.
Nice shot Chris, my only two "nitpicks" is that the light seems too harsh.. what time were the shots taken?
And I would of take a couple of steps to the right to centralise the cottage between those rocks a bit more.
Still, very nice scene.
Hi Matt,
Yes I knew the light was too harsh the moment I took it. It was taken at around 6 A.M. believe it or not. It was a rush job as I was already running late to try an find a different location but I did take a lot of shots at this so I have a few more to edit. I am calling this a reccy mission. One for a re-visit I think. Thanks for looking
I just wonder if there is too much foreground which is distracting from the 'more interesting' areas. Maybe a crop to something like 3 x 2 ratio?
Should the telephone poles/wires be cloned out?
Very nice view with a lot of potentials for more shoots, Chris...
Chris, now you've found this cottage and the hidden village, this scene looks like it has potential for a revisit. My thoughts are first the cottage seems to be lost in the grandeur of the place and it's slightly hidden by the LHS Rock in your leading line. Without being there it's difficult to judge but given how the light and shadows are, would it be possible to have made the image from the left of this scene to have the cottage being the foreground interest IYSWIM
Yes I will definitely revisit this location. Hopefully this weekend. I will spend a day in the Village and the next morning at the cottage. I see what you mean about trying the cottage from the left. I will also try it from the right and again from up close. Thanks for looking.