Love it Mike
Good one.
Yes please....
Aha! The famous "chocolate cure all". Works for me, and I'm not a chocolate fanatic.
Hey, chocolate can be GREAT first aid!
Using the title of First Aid, I thought that I was going to see a cast on the stem of a broken wine glass.
Cheers: Allan
Very nice !
Thanks, everyone! If only my wife had "gotten it" the way all of you did.
Wonderful image and a perfect fit in my view... Dark chocolate is loaded with antioxidants which some say helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and my cholesterol and BP stats are that of a young child.
PS I'm a chocolate fanatic!
For those who are interested, I captured this photo 20 minutes before sunrise. The scene is underneath a bridge, so I think at least 90% of the light was man-made. The scene was definitely quite dark.
ISO 5000
f/2 on a 35mm prime lens for which that is the largest aperture
Despite that I nailed the exposure, I felt the image had a little too much noise. So, I used a small amount of noise reduction.
My mistake is that I could have taken the shot at ISO 2500 rather than ISO 5000. I had my camera set for a completely different series of anticipated circumstances requiring a shutter speed of 1/200. When I came upon this scene that was not the type of shot I was looking for, I forgot to change my Auto ISO setting to allow a slower shutter speed, which in turn would have also allowed a lower ISO value.
My only excuse is that I was operating on only three hours of sleep...and I'll take it!