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Thread: Three images, same pose...for C&C

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Gentlemen and ladies...

    I got a bit of time between edits and I got myself confused at times (don't is either called "getting old" or spending too much time looking at the same image...) Anywho...I have these same images I need to do a composite with. I took this at Kentucky last week. Can you please help me to pick a choose which one I should use? (more like "must use") or none of it...btw that choice will do too...

    1.. Straight out of camera -- I just cropped it to size for uploading here no after sharpening before upload kinda thing...'am lazy and tired...I suppose...

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    2. Izzie's recipe #13_1 compliment of Mr. Nik...and --

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    3. Izzie's Recipe #11 compliment of Mr. Nik too. Would you believe that???!!!

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    And two more shots just in case you don't want any of the three...

    4. Too tight...?? Skin too soft?

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    5. Cut her fingers...Naughty...naughty...

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Help!!! How do I improve these shots some more? As harsh as you can get, criticize me...When I took these images, I thought the lights serves her well -- one from the window by the far wall, bottom light shining on her face from the wine cabinet selection and the head light. She is a pretty little girl and talks well...I ended up buying a Vanilla Bean vodka to give to the lady who was bitten by Roxie Friday night...

    'Will appreciate any you all...Thank you.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Number 4 is nice regarding the processing, however the out of focus bottle ruins it. Five is the best overall if you can salvage the fingers and add some fill light to the face. 1-3 are potentials, a bit soft on the focus and the shadow on bridge of nose could be toned down. Nice efforts.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Hi Izzie

    Of the first three, I prefer the processing in 3 by a whisker.

    The fifth shot is really engaging and is a winner IMO.


  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    The first three all have a funny looking right eye (camera left), number 4 is soft so that really means #5.

    I find the white balance is off in all of them.

  5. #5

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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    The big problem for me is those out of focus bottle tops in the foreground. Without them #3 would be good.

    And as others have mentioned; #4 would have been fine with better focus. But with all her fingers present, #5 would have been the best.

  6. #6
    vaez's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    hello dear
    nice my fav 5

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Number 4 is nice regarding the processing, however the out of focus bottle ruins it. Five is the best overall if you can salvage the fingers and add some fill light to the face. 1-3 are potentials, a bit soft on the focus and the shadow on bridge of nose could be toned down. Nice efforts.
    Thank you John...In #4 and on all of them, I tried to shoot at a faster shutter speed and higher ISO because the room maybe wide and spacious but it is a bit on the dark side. Where the products are, as I will show you later in another post, there are lights but is like shadowy all around so apart from the two window lights at opposite sides of the long room, the only light that actually matters most was the one near the introductory area where the lounge chairs are located. We were there after the tour of the distillery for the tasting. As I do not drink any alcoholic drink, I was very limited in where I can shoot as there were quite a few of us that went on the tour. I saw the light on her face sculpted by the light and so I decided to shoot...Free model as my thinking went...

    As for #5, I finally found a shot with her fingers not missing...I will upload tonight before I go to bed...Thanks for the input. I appreciate it very much.

  8. #8
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by dje View Post
    Hi Izzie

    Of the first three, I prefer the processing in 3 by a whisker.

    The fifth shot is really engaging and is a winner IMO.

    Thanks Dave...I appreciate your preference and comments...

  9. #9
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    The first three all have a funny looking right eye (camera left), number 4 is soft so that really means #5.

    I find the white balance is off in all of them.
    Both #2, #3 and # 4 has the skin softening filter added. Maybe I should have removed it. I left the detail enhancer on #4 and all 2, 3 and 4 have Film FX added. Whereas #5 has the detail enhancer and only the Brightening/Brilliance added...and yes the framing which I should had not put on because it cut off the fingers. I will upload one that does not have the framing so show the fingers. It was too late when I the fingers cropped off so I just made that comment after the upload...

    Thank you for your input. I always value your comments when it comes to portraiture...which I am going to do very soon...'Appreciate it...

  10. #10
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    The big problem for me is those out of focus bottle tops in the foreground. Without them #3 would be good.

    And as others have mentioned; #4 would have been fine with better focus. But with all her fingers present, #5 would have been the best.
    Geoff, when I took that shot, I thought I will make the foreground out of those out of focus bottom tops.I cannot crop if off now because of her hair. She is really a pretty girl in person. I showed hubby my shots of her and he said he did not imagine how photogenic she really is...

    As already stated, I will upload the ones with the fingers intact tonight...I took the shots as I go because I was on her left side by the stairs and have no say on how she can pose as she was talking to the crowd that went on the tour, particularly the group I was in as she pours little shots of everything for them to taste. I think I was the shortest in the group so I cannot go up front...I have the 105mm macro for the trip.

    Thank you for your comments and preference and critique. I really do appreciate it very much.

  11. #11
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by vaez View Post
    hello dear
    nice my fav 5
    Thanks Vaez..'appreciate your input too along with others.

  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by IzzieK View Post
    Both #2, #3 and # 4 has the skin softening filter added. Maybe I should have removed it. I left the detail enhancer on #4 and all 2, 3 and 4 have Film FX added. Whereas #5 has the detail enhancer and only the Brightening/Brilliance added...and yes the framing which I should had not put on because it cut off the fingers. I will upload one that does not have the framing so show the fingers. It was too late when I the fingers cropped off so I just made that comment after the upload...

    Thank you for your input. I always value your comments when it comes to portraiture...which I am going to do very soon...'Appreciate it...
    Izzie - my recommendation is that you should be super cautious with effects when you are dealing with skin tones. The filters can really add some over the top looks and that are rarely desirable with skin.

  13. #13
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Thanks Manfred...I just thought I will use Nik Software's Color Efex this time around on my images. The other senior images that I did for the flying event did not have any other software used apart from ACR and Unsharped Mask and was accepted highly by the magazines and also the newsletter. The editor even said that he wants to keep the senior pilot shots with their airplanes to be displayed at our (my husband's club museum) when the new building is finished.

    Anyway, as promised, here is the shot without the frame and all the fingers of the lady showing:

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    'Hope this is OK even just a little bit too tight...I am still not happy with this shot as the right side of her hair is purple-ish looking. Maybe I can use the quick select tool to lighten it a little bit? then lower down the noise if any?

    Thanks again for your input...'appreciate it very much...

  14. #14
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Now that I'm having a look at this shot on my editing computer, what really strikes me is that the white balance is completely off. It looks like the shot was taken indoors under tungsten light with a daylight WB setting. There is a super heavy yellow / red colour cast to the image.

    Frankly, I would fix that before I went any further.

  15. #15
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Quote Originally Posted by GrumpyDiver View Post
    Now that I'm having a look at this shot on my editing computer, what really strikes me is that the white balance is completely off. It looks like the shot was taken indoors under tungsten light with a daylight WB setting. There is a super heavy yellow / red colour cast to the image.

    Frankly, I would fix that before I went any further.
    That was the Brightness/Warmth filter that I added there...I thought I will make the image a little bit on the warm side as I did not adjust the temperature button on ACR like I used to when I want to warm up a shot...

    Thanks again. You are right, cool darkish indoor shots. I have others of the same atmosphere but not of people. I used cloudy WB and auto ISO as we were changing locations from this indoor reception/sale are to outside/indoor location. I should have taken a little bit more care in my WB...

    'Appreciate your added input.

  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Again, I too like slightly warm portraits, but this image is over the top from a colour standpoint and the colour you have chosens is not a particularly attractive one. Unless you are doing something funky and artistic, try to get a natural looking image. Something that looks strange is going to give the view that you don't know what you are doing.

  17. #17
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Here is another edit this morning...I did not use Nik's Software here but did adjust using the Adjustment layers in Photoshop instead. I was aiming for the softness of the hair compared to the last one which did not look natural...a tidbit of the selective color adjustment was needed towards the end to bring that color back that I like and remembered of about this one? I spent half an hour correcting the highlight on her face and I am still not happy with it, just a little bit happy...

    Three images, same pose...for C&C

    The The colour on the hair changed again after i doing something wrong??? The highlight on her face looks OK now after upload but the reddish/purple-ish hair is back...

  18. #18

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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    Just to muddy the water, I'm seeing a green cast to the picture that I didn't see in the previous. Is this a problem with calibration of our screens?
    The only problem that I have with the previous picture is the texture of her right cheek. Very cute young lady.


  19. #19

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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    The last one looks potentially good to me although a fraction on the dark side. Possibly a slight greenish tint particularly noticeable on her forehead; but not over strong. This will probably become more apparent with any extra brightness.

    Try to keep the shadows fairly dark.

  20. #20
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    Re: Three images, same pose...for C&C

    I have really busy today so here is the edit I did a while ago...I like her hair here now as I remembered it which strikes me about her. I only used the white and black point in the Levels Adjustment here as I am already tired is my edit...hope the upload will not change the hair and the T-shirt...

    Three images, same pose...for C&C
    Thanks Doug...I only noticed the greenish tinge after I uploaded...'appreciate your input.

    And thanks Geoff for the extra help...I needed this image badly to go right. The first few uploads I decided to use Nik Software to boost colour and warmness and use a bit of special effects. The film filter ruined it all for me...I will be more careful to use those...

    After I get this right I will want to upload the environment we were in the distillery, no people shots. But this post and the help I received here inspired me to get more into portrait stuff so I am buying my props tomorrow and take pictures...lots of them until I get it right, perhaps use just Photoshop because I am more used to it??? Thanks again...

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