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Thread: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

  1. #1
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    This is the yearly Swift National Fly-in we have this year at Bowling Green, Kentucky. The good thing this year is that Bill (hubby) is not the chairman of the board anymore. So a little bit of relief for me…little because he is the head of the nominating committee for the last time this year. He now has more time to take me out on photographic adventures than before. Anyway to cut to the chase,

    1 Every airport has an FBO (Fixed Based Operation) where the business of flying is held. This is the FBO at the airport where the event was held. The image is a little bit too clean for my taste but I can't help it – this is how it actually looks like. As usual with the gasoline station at the front.

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    2 But since it is an event, the participants in the event were assigned a place to park their airplanes and the participants are allowed to play around and waste a few gallons each time on smokes and gas, it is profitable to the FBO. This is an image of how the truck goes around distributing gas to the airplanes…

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    This is Bill filling up gas for the airplane of the now Chairman of the Board who was in the meeting that time the truck went around.

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    He doesn't mess around and let the guy filled it up. He would rather do it himself as Will Robertson had been a big help to him when he was Chairman of the Board of the organization.

    3. The following is an example of how they waste the gasoline off their planes….smokes and all…show offs! The one with smoke is Jerry Kirby, who was the one in charge of the event, who also happened to bamboozled me into being the main photographer that afternoon I dropped by. The one without the smoke is Pick Freeman…I was doing another ground shot when these two passed by and had no chance to change my shutter speed as my camera was in manual mode. I had my 150-500mm hand-held and I just lift it up to point to them "kids" hence the propeller was not blurred.

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    4 Some of the participants in the fly-in…a red Corvette owned by one of the members of the flying club. No one thought of it until I suggested that I want a brand new Corvette in front of the rows of airplanes so that was too late to ask because we only half an hour before the Awards Night took place. We have to make do with this one…

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Steve Wilson from Texas, ex-FAA guy on his way to formation flying competition...

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Father and son – William H and William A Kientz. Bill and I drove in while Buddy brought their plane in Thursday night...

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    5. 35-pilot-panorama with most of their wives missing because they went on another tour. Hubby is behind me but he did not fly our plane. We are not in the shot as I was the photographer and he was holding the instruction to them. As you can see, not everyone was listening to him...Sonny boy did and his head was hiding behind two other pilots somewhere. The blond gal is a pilot (Captain) from Continental Airlines who is the formation instructor for the group. I do not know if the other woman in this group is a pilot too. This is hand-held and 5 images stitched together in Photoshop CS6.

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    6 Last but not the least…shot on top of a golf cart…the show of force : 35 airplanes that showed up for the event. The rest of them were kept inside somebody else's hangars in lieu of the upcoming storm…

    Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Please C&C…my pp. I will appreciate it very much.

    For David (Mr. Bugman from Turkey) if you happen to see this post, I cropped these images to 800 on the longest side so you can view all of this without losing sleep and cursing me for making my post too big for you.


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Nice series.

  3. #3
    deetheturk's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Great series Izzie, thats a really cool plane hubby has, well captured pal

  4. #4

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Awesome series of photos Izzie with a great commentary. I think I know why they wanted you to do the photography...

  5. #5

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Izzie, I enjoyed the photos and the story. Good job.

  6. #6
    Marie Hass's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Dear Izzie,

    I love this series and your commentary. It really changed the images from just images to meaningful.

    In terms of PP, these look nice. White balance is acceptable. Composition is good, except for hubby and son. Better not to have cut them off at the ankles. Focus is sharp as well.


  7. #7

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Good clear images which create a nice record of the event.

    Like you, I have also been caught out by accidentally having too fast a shutter speed. Ideally, I find something around 1/200 usually makes a good compromise although that often seems rather slow for such a large lens, even with stabilisation.

  8. #8
    Ziggy's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Thanks for taking us along, enjoyed.

  9. #9

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Izzie, every time you post images for our viewing raise the bar for the rest of us.

  10. #10

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Great set Izzie.

  11. #11
    Stagecoach's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Really enjoyed these Izzie, a good variation of shots showing the event well !

    You seem to be coping with that 'big' lens well


  12. #12

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    The car is shot is, well, a car shot. You got good action with the flying airplanes and the on the ground shots are nice too. For a plane fanatic (me) some cockpit shots and more detail shots would be nice.

    The only real error in your post is in the title. 'Et all' is incorrect. The abbreviation is 'et al' the full expression is 'et alii'.

  13. #13

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    I'm not an aeroplane enthusiast, but these are a really nice set of pictures, Izzie. Oh, and thanks for qualifying what FBO means. I'm a former technical journalist and cringe when I see unqualified jargon, etc.

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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Great set of images Izzie. I enjoyed the ride. So now we need some air to ground shots - now that hubby has the time to take you.

  15. #15
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice series.
    Thanks John...'appreciate your input.

  16. #16
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by deetheturk View Post
    Great series Izzie, thats a really cool plane hubby has, well captured pal
    I had been hesitant to go this year to their annual reunion but I had a great time planning our tour instead. I didn't expect being asked...I am glad you like our plane. When you come over, I can give you a ride in it...or hand you over to the "experts" -- it is a nice plane, I just don't want to ride in this kind long as I am not IN IT, I am fine...thanks for your input. I am glad you like it.

  17. #17
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by DougR View Post
    Awesome series of photos Izzie with a great commentary. I think I know why they wanted you to do the photography...
    Oh Wow! what a great compliment coming from you...thank you so much for the feedback...even if it makes the hair on my back stands up. I am glad I came up this highly on your expectation. I appreciate your comment very much.

  18. #18
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by Teton Chuck View Post
    Izzie, I enjoyed the photos and the story. Good job.
    Thank you very much, Chuck...I have just been to your post on The Lion King, was really scary and beautiful...
    Again, thanks for your comment. I appreciate it very much.

  19. #19
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by Marie Hass View Post
    Dear Izzie,

    I love this series and your commentary. It really changed the images from just images to meaningful.

    In terms of PP, these look nice. White balance is acceptable. Composition is good, except for hubby and son. Better not to have cut them off at the ankles. Focus is sharp as well.

    Marie, I too wished I had not cropped the ankles but I had no choice in the matter as behind me was a bog and I was motioning someone to send me the golf cart, no one heard me (nor cared?). I was given the golf cart at the last moment...I do not like stepping on tall grassed area. I am scared of snakes if ever there will be one there...I also check the image I had saved regarding portrait cropping Cheat Sheet here and I thought I got close enough to making that a close enough crop...

    Thank you for your comment and feedback. I am glad you are well again...

  20. #20
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Airplanes, et all for Jack (flashjack) and also for C&C if possible...

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Good clear images which create a nice record of the event.

    Like you, I have also been caught out by accidentally having too fast a shutter speed. Ideally, I find something around 1/200 usually makes a good compromise although that often seems rather slow for such a large lens, even with stabilisation.
    It is so easy to get caught, normal SS for blurring propeller on a 70-300mm is around 1/250...or thereabouts, the same with my 200mm zoom lens. Any lower one cannot see the propeller at all...and I like shooting when they banked to my directions. More opportunities this summer and fall season for me as it is my husband's hobby. Me? I just bring my camera along and be happy... I have not used that long lens at all on airplanes. I intended to use that on birds when we go to Florida but it hasn't happened yet. I took it from the back of the car because I want to know how far the zoom can go and still be sharped. Those two airplane shots were instantaneous. I didn't plan that one. I am glad I did. That tested the flex of my arms... Thank you so much for your comments and feedback. 'Appreciate it very I learned from you...

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