It might be a bit easier if you think of "Auto WB" as snake oil, as there is no such feature in the perceptible world.
Black point and white point are in no way whatsoever related to white balance. They are entirely different creatures. If you take a look at
the little rose I show in another thread here, its "white point" is intensely red.
White point is only the point where the histogram ends at the right side, it has no relation at all to colour. If you pick a point in the image to become your white point, it is a decision to put it at the 255 value (or close), not any colour designation.
And automatic white balance is a myth that should be forgotten as soon as possible. It does not exist! Some cameras try to set one automatically by evaluating what is in front of the lens, and some computer programs do the same, but neither can hit a correct white balance. The more advanced cameras will not try to set WB to make the image generally "grey", but choose one of the presets after evaluating what is in front of the lens. It will be correct sometimes, particularly in daylight and sometimes under incandescent light, but never with fluorescents or other light sources as LED or energy saving bulbs.
You can use a white or neutral grey area in an image to set white balance, but to do that you need a neutral object in the image. We may suppose that some white object will be sufficiently neutral for the task and use it for white balance, but I don't know whether Photoshop can do it. The Photoshop I once had couldn't, even though there was an eyedropper for it (PSE 3.0). The problem probably was that the size of the area could not be chosen. All RAW converters can be used for setting white balance, ACR or Lightroom can do it, or Raw Therapee. You choose an area that is supposedly neutral and receives the same light as your main subject, and use that area for white balance. Preferably its brightness should not be too close to the white point. A RAW converter is a better tool for white balance setting than Photoshop or Gimp, but if the image is jpeg, not all RAW converters can open them.