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Thread: Which is better?

  1. #1
    arith's Avatar
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    Which is better?

    A sharp image with a tram pasted into it from a not so sharp image or

    the image without the tram?

    Which is better?

    Which is better?

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    Frankly, does it matter? I personally don't find that the tram is a significant element in this image, and having it in or not doesn't have a lot of impact. If I had to choose one over the other, I would go for the one without the tram (just because of what I said before, the tram is not a significant element).

  3. #3

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    Re: Which is better?

    Ditto here Steve. In act the only element that does detract slightly is the myriad of overhead wires but.........

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    It took me a while just to find the tram, which I think supports Manfred's reaction that it is not an important visual component of the image.

  5. #5
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    Cheers Manfred, Dan and John; I got a thing about trams and that is the only reason it is there; too look busy as it is. I find it difficult to use a telephoto since things are in the way everywhere.

    It is of course Schottentor which in English means Scots way or similar, a very busy tram station, bus station and metro. McDonalds is across the road behind but it isn't cheap since at €7,50 for a meal it cost slightly more than an authentic Wiener restaurant selling proper food such as Schnitzel Vom Schwein.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    This is like one of those tests where you try to spot the difference between two images. I probably would have missed the tram or not been able to recognize what it was without close scrutiny. I would go for without.

    Nice capture, I don't like it when electrical lines spoil my compositions but I would probably leave them there, how else can you truly share the sight you witnessed if you remove what is really there. If the building were my true subject matter and it was displayed prominently within the composition; then I would remove the wires.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    +1 to John's comment...I was thinking of removing the wires too...

  8. #8

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    Re: Which is better?

    I wasn't thinking of removing the wire hence the "but". They are part of the record that this image represents it's just that aesthetically you could do without them.

  9. #9
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    Suppose I could have done one of the Cathedral; earlier I was there with a lens a bit too long and thought I could use a short lens and crop but got obsessed with the whole scene. Should have gone to the Cathedral but there is too much to look at and I went to Stephansdom instead.

    Which is better?

  10. #10
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Suppose I could have done one of the Cathedral; earlier I was there with a lens a bit too long and thought I could use a short lens and crop but got obsessed with the whole scene. Should have gone to the Cathedral but there is too much to look at and I went to Stephansdom instead.

    Which is better?
    Lot of work de-wiring that capture.

  11. #11
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    Hi Steve,

    Like some others, didn't notice the tram 'til it was pointed out.

    Ah don't think either image works. The dull day leaches out the colour and warmth available in that particular setting. Cables in? Cables out? Had there been a spider's web of cables, it could have been a major feature. Never been one for "perfecting" photos but, in this case, leaving the few cables in converts them tae leading lines, which show up the crookedness of the church towers and once ye notice those, the eye keeps going back.

    Ye say ye have a thing about trams; why not, then, walk around tae the advertising kiosks on the top right of the photo and shoot the tram(s), graffiti etc. from there? There may have been a more interesting shot in that. The bridge with the graffiti is another major distraction, cutting the shot almost in half. Again, ah'm not looking at the photo as a whole but at the bridge, at the graffiti, back tae the spires. Despite what should be major focus points, in the photo, my eyes are never at rest.

    As a digression, dunno if ye live in Vienna but that tram line has a great station nearby;an interior with lotsa vantage points and levels. Shiny chrome, staircases, windows and people just waiting tae be photographed.

  12. #12
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Which is better?

    Cheers Robert, I was just having a rest and playing with the camera. It was very warm even though it looks dull, around 34C I think so I needed the frequent rests.

    It brightened up later, I'm leaving the best till last although they are still holiday shots, one of the Wiener Riesenrad turned out particularly well, by accident.

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