Hi Izzie,
Some thoughts from me regarding the noise and method.
Just about all your recent previous postings here have been at ISO 3200, no noise of any concern, good exposures and sharp ! So why the noise here? Is it because they have been cropped, were underexposed or your noise treatment in PP has changed, only you will know the answers to those.
Looking at all of these I would suggest you have sufficient DoF at f/9 and could consider opening up more. Even in very bright sun light with a slower larger bird I find most of my shots are around f/6.3 to f/7.1. The wing blur is being caused by speed of their movement and I think some adds to the shot.
If it were me learning how to capture these from scratch my first priority would be to achieve a shot with acceptable noise along with sharpness of the beak and head. I would not worry about freezing wing movement, larger DoFs, or ugly feederuntil I could do that.
So I would start like this, in Manual and Auto ISO;
a) Close down one stop from fully open (not sure what that is on your lens).
b) Set speed at 1/1600 (from the above shots this works well).
c) Adjusting a) or b) above will Vary the ISO maintaining the correct exposure and you can even use EC in this mode............. see below
There are different ways you can achieve this, but with any keeping an eye on that ISO to ensure it is within a range that you know is going to give decent results.
If the ISO is constantly at the high end your options are either to open up or a slower speed.
If the ISO is constantly at the low end your options are stopping down for more DoF or freezing more with a faster speed.