OK, early morning here although it is about 8am now...'been up early trying to catch the hummers at their best. What I did yesterday with the bees works so none of them complained to me this morning, both the hummers and the bees...so everything is going well in that direction...not one hummer buzzing me nor bees -- they stayed in their own little corners...
BUT! according to what I read and instructions and advice given to me here by my fellow CiC members about Exposure compensation and all that Exposure Triangle I had done in my camera, this shot was about 1/450 or less at AutoISO, Shady metering at F5.6...
Of course the wings are still blurred but I will work on that in the coming weeks until I get it right...for the time being, this is the best I can do...I only took 2 shots and this is the better one of the two...not much pp done here, just lower the highlight at the right side of the frame, cropped then applied Unsharp Mask at AMT: 100; Radius: 1 and Threshold: 0
Please critique me as harsh as you can so I will learn some more. I had read atrocious articles on hummers yesterday but I think this will be good enough as a snapshot as I can get for the time being...