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Thread: Aperture gone. ON1?

  1. #21
    Thlayle's Avatar
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    Randy Butters

    Re: Aperture gone. ON1?

    Quote Originally Posted by billtils View Post
    Hello Dave

    These things tend to be somewhat subjective mind you - one of the first places I go each time I log on to CIC is the current batch of mini comps and about half the time I end up shaking my head in disbelief at what garners (or does not garner) votes!
    Bill, Izzie:

    I know this is straying way off from the OP, but on the mini comps and the voting, I have had the same reaction as you, Bill. is much like other competitions & the popularity of certain things. Nearby by me in Grand Rapids, Michigan, there is an annual art competition known as ArtPrize. It's on the seventh year now and is very popular -- and yet despised by some who say it isn't art at all. That very same criticism led to the ArtPrize going from just being a popular vote by the public (with big $$ for the winners!) to a split competition for popular vote winners and juried winners.

    That made sense to me. In the very first year they split the competition, however, the big winner on the juried side was a collection of photos of a sailboat being dropped onto the surface of a waterway from a very tall crane, smashing it all to bits.

    Go figure. That example shows the essence of the problem, there's no accounting for what is 'art' and what people will like.


  2. #22
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Aperture gone. ON1?

    Good example Randy! And my post should have stated (rather than implied) that the other 50% of the time I shake my head in amazement at the totally superb entries (a.k.a. ones that are to my taste but I'd struggle to emulate )

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