Some of you may know that I moved to Kathmandu a couple of months ago. I arrived here in monsoon season and it's been fairly cloudy a lot of the time, I haven't had a lot of good sky nights. Some of you may also know that Kathmandu is pretty polluted, there's always a lot of haze or smog around.
What most of you probably don't know is that for the last 10 days, transport into Nepal has been blocked at the border with India, so we've been running out of stuff but especially fuel. That has led to a dramatic reduction of traffic on the roads these past few days and and consequent reduction in smog and Oh My! You should see the sky!
So last night I took advantage to try my first EVER photo of the milky way - from my own balcony! And tonight my first ever star trail composite - since it was a trial I only had 5 pictures in it so I will have to try again with more. But in one of those 5 pictures I got a shooting star!
Here they are. I have a lot to learn about this stuff, especially about the milky way and how to get a decent foreground and how to avoid noise but for starters I am very pleased with these. Any advice for future attempts gratefully received.
First the MIlky Way. I checked and checked the lens for streaky finger marks (because I though that's what it must be) and then I checked Stellarium and it really IS the milky way.... I have another version of this with the foreground cropped out but the foreground, wrong though it is, proves it was done from my own balcony. This from the RAW file with Photivo, which I'm still learning how to use.
And this the star trails, 5 photos combined in GIMP via a python script. This one looks blurry to me, but I don't think it really is, it's just that the trails aren't long enough to look like proper trails, it just looks like a camera shake.