Originally Posted by William W . . .
i) I know that EV 13 = F/8 @ 1/800 @ ISO800. If I don’t know that or if I am not comfortable in my assessment of the EV of the scene where I will be working, then I can look through the camera and check it with the TTL Meter when I get out of my car and I can make a Light Meter Reading as I am walking over to the area where I will be shooting.
. . .
So, (because I chose to use A Priority):
> I firstly planned the RANGE of Shutter Speeds required and suitable for the SUBJECT
> then I looked at the most suitable APERTURE to use, considering aspects of DoF and AF,
> then I considered any possible changes in LIGHTING CONDITIONS . . .
> lastly and considering the other two exposure parameters, I chose a suitable ISO to use.