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Thread: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

  1. #1
    ucci's Avatar
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    Ken Outch

    The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Hi all! Sadly for you all, I'm back! Hey, maybe with enough bad press, vilification, crappy cc's and other stuff you can get me to go way again?

    For those who have the stamina to persist, are lacking in taste or into masochism, 'Read on MacDuff,' as they say in the classics. The rest of you will no doubt have moved on already thus far.

    Okay so I put it round the wrong way to suck you in. I am known to do that. The title should really read 'Bird Life of the Pinnacles.' These are odd structures in W.A. of which no one is really sure as to their origin. One theory is that they are old tree stumps which over eons and have been calcified and mineralised. I dunno. But back to the bird.

    This, for those not in the know, is an emu. And, as a bird, it has absolutely nothing going for it. Apart for its feathers which are incorporated into the ceremonial hat badges of our armoured light horse regiments; a tradition harking back to pre WW1 days. And so, accordingly, the members of such regiment can say, with utmost veracity, that they ' Have a Feather in their Cap!"

    The emu would have to be the most stupid bird Nature has allowed to evolve. It cannot fly and, having personally tried it, its meat is less than edible, no matter how you cook it and how much beer or wine you have previously consumed to anaesthetise your taste buds. I would not recommend it, even for consumption at the meanest of BBQ's. Although I confess I have eaten emu dim sims, which were tolerable edible, if drowned in copious volumes of Soy Sauce.

    The emu's extreme ugliness is more than well matched by a mean and vicious disposition. And it has this sneaky trick of a forward thrusting, downward slash with its huge, well endowed clawed feet, when feeling out of sorts and a bit aggro. Which is not an uncommon situation. So, the unknowing standing in front of this creature with camera at the ready to capture classic holiday pix, are in imminent danger of being on the receiving end of a right royal disembowelment. Not the best of outcomes for a laid back holiday photo shoot.

    You know, when I come to think of it, I don't reckon I really care all that much for emus.

    Anyway, that's my story for today. Thanks for viewing. Hope some of you had a bit of a giggle at my foolish rambling.
    Bye for now

    The Pinnacle of Birdlife
    Last edited by ucci; 28th October 2015 at 06:39 AM. Reason: addition to comments

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    A nice picture and story.

    The kangaroo also is wont to use its feet in a similar way and we often see pictures of an emu and a kangaroo facing each other in what may be interpreted as a menacing situation. This is our national symbol but also a metaphor for our political system.

  3. #3
    dje's Avatar
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    A nice picture and story.

    The kangaroo also is wont to use its feet in a similar way and we often see pictures of an emu and a kangaroo facing each other in what may be interpreted as a menacing situation. This is our national symbol but also a metaphor for our political system.
    Yes but our political leaders have to watch their backs too !

    Good shot Ken, I get a slight impression you don't go for emus much


  4. #4

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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    I think what you are trying to say, Ken, is that the emu is a mean and ugly character, but like the kangaroo, it cannot take a step backwards, and that is why they are both on our coat of arms.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Hey Ken,

    You didn't mention how they are prone to 'photo-bomb' your shots of pinnacles either

    Thanks for the warning on the meat, however unlikely I am to be in a place where it is offered, I shall remember your advice.

    Good to hear/see from you again, I look forward to your ramblings, keep 'em coming.

    Cheers, Dave

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Nice shot.

  7. #7
    IzzieK's Avatar
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Hi Ken...what'dya been doing lately apart from cavorting with emus? W.A. is Western Australia? Was this shot taken there? That is not a hop and a skip from Seymour...I like those mineralized rocks in this shot better looking than the emu that is...

  8. #8

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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    You forgot to mention Emus have bad hair days too.
    [IMG]The Pinnacle of Birdlife[/IMG]

    The only successful recipe for cooking Emus is the same as the one for cooking Cockatoos and Scrub Turkeys:

    Place the bird in a pan of water together with an axe-head. Boil until the axe-head is soft - the bird is then ready to eat.


  9. #9
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Just received the following:-
    "Hello. I represent the Emu Appreciation Society and we would like to register our complaint against ....."

    Good to see you on here, Ken. Hope all is well with you, Mrs ucci and the 'family' of animals.

  10. #10

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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    To add to your love affair treatise with the beautiful Emu...when I was a lad, my parents
    thought it would be a good idea to spent the summer on my uncle's farm.

    I took away from the experience a lifelong dislike for farm life and the associated hard work,
    along with an appreciation for the mean behavior of all things avian...they used evil geese as
    watchdogs, chickens and turkeys would peck ya to death given the chance.
    On the flip side...from the supermarket, they mostly taste pretty good.

  11. #11
    ucci's Avatar
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    [QUOTE=Donald;559721]Just received the following:-
    "Hello. I represent the Emu Appreciation Society and we would like to register our complaint against ....."

    Thank you all for your lovely comments. However a couple of issues need to be sorted.

    Firstly Donald your complaining notification from the Emu society should read, " Hello. I represent the Emu Appreciation society and I would like to register my complaint... For there could not be more than one such mad bugger in the world!
    And thank you Richard for I had quite overlooked the bad hair day. Also, as I heard the story, when the axe head is soft you throw away the bird and eat the axe head.

    And yes Izzie this shot was taken in Western Australia. But we have these stupid critters in the wild here. There are five of them roaming around in the bush on a property several kms down the road from us.

    And thank you Greg for pointing it out. I was aware that the roo and emu were a deliberate choice for our coat of arms as they cannot take a step backwards and can only move forwards. Whether this means they are noble animals seeking to progress forward all the time or are just too stupid to know when it is wise to take a step back from a situation I am not qualified to comment.
    And all is well in the ucci menagerie, thank you Mr D. We hope this is so for you as well.

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: The Pinnacle of Birdlife

    Thank goodness you are back, I really need your story telling BIG TIME.

    Cheers: Allan

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