I am trying to bracket my shots and set the option e5 (auto bracketing set) to EV only and then chose to bracket for 3 shots with 2 f stop difference (using the BKT button and main and sub command dials). But when I shoot, I am getting only one image not 3.
I tried manual and Aperture priority mode, raw only and all other combinations but it is bewildering why I get only one image after bracketing (which is either -2 or +2 only) not three as it is supposed to be. What am I missing here?
Problem solved! Nikons need the user to take the desired number of bracketed shots manually - enabling CL or CH (better) in quick succession with each one compensated for EV as per the setting. I assumed that it requires just one shot and the camera will do the rest (this happens in Sony) but it doesn't work that way with a Nikon.