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Of course there are some valid arguments here, but choosing from only two brands on grounds that are largely irrelevant to you could be contra-productive. One of these brands still has a long way to go to be really user friendly in my opinion. I outruled Canon for their imho idiotic raindance to set a personal white balance. Why on Earth would one have to first take a picture, then choose that picture to set a personal balance, and on top of that choose that same white balance? It's contra-intuitive, and it is cumbersome; in short, it's not very helpful for a serious photographer.
So, I have an argument, that any Canon DSLR lacks an ergonomic feature available in most other cameras. For that reason, I do not use the Canon EOS 10D that I could have for free, and which has that much wanted top window to show the settings. It's a good camera, it takes sharp pictures, and its dynamic range is not bad, even if it is becoming outdated. But why would any DSLR camera produced by Canon in 2010 share the same defect?
Yes, it is a defect, because there is no direct way to use your own white balance, one of the most important features of a digital camera. Yes, I know that I can side-step it by shooting RAW, but the thing is that this cumbersome and ergonomically unsound misfeature is in fact the very reason why I would not choose a Canon DSLR. So; many things could be added in an argument over different cameras, and I think it is not fair to outrule a brand on the ground that a thousand million flies cannot be wrong.