Nicely captured.
IMO a bit more DOF would be better but it is a nice image
I agree with Binnur but that is just opinion. It is a nice shot of craftsman.
I really like this shot a lot and the eyes are sharp, so the softness in parts of the image does work. I'm not sure how much better f/4 would be, I suspect you will have to got with an even smaller aperture. I tend to shoot at f/11 in studio settings to get a more of the image looking sharp.
I don't love the focal length used in this shot. 55mm is just too short and we certainly see distortion in his face (especially the nose). That close up, I would be shooting closer to 100mm focal length (which is why I will shoot with a smaller aperture too).
I would not have guessed that he is a potter, if you hadn't told us. I did not recognize what he is holding, but obviously the title suggests a wet clay bowl. A shot of more of his work or his workshop would probably helped put this image into context.
+1 to Manfred's comments. I also would have want an environment shot to show what he is doing.