IMG_0315 as Smart Object-1 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
IMG_0315 as Smart Object-1 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Thejal, beautiful image.....Ganges?
just curious... what inspired you to go B&W?
I think the water and the trees work wonderfully in B & W. An ideal subject for B & W. But I am not so enthusiastic about the sky. Was it a completely cloudless sky? I wonder if there is the opportunity to recover some detail and give some structure to the sky, rather than it just being a large flat expanse in the frame? If there is that opportunity and it can be done, then I think this would become a much better image.
Thanks for your comment. In India, specially, in our region, mostly we get flat sky. The SOCS with minor correction is as follows. Since I hardly do landscape, was not sure, what best i could do with this picture.
IMG_0315 by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Tejal - You may not think about it because it is so what you are used to, but the muted colour, the calmness of the water and the birds flying as they are, (the whole atmosphere of the image) just shout to me - India. In other words, now that I have seen it and to take nothing away from the quality of the B & W, I think you have probably got a beautiful colour image there as well.
You wrote, in response to Brian, - "Original pic in color is so flat and dull, so there is no much color separation." That, I think, is its beauty.
Sorry if I am adding confusion, but I do think it is worth you re-assessing this capture and considering whether it could be a very strong colour image.
No no Doland you are not confusing . Good for me, as all the inputs are helping me to understand, what best i could do with what I have already shot. Here is the color version, I have tried to process .
IMG_0315- clr by Tejal Imagination, on Flickr
Hmmm, this is a thought provoking thread and discussion Tejal,
The B&W does not convey the (now known) true situation with regard to weather/atmospherics - and although I like it for its simple composition, I also wondered if there was anything useful to be seen in the sky. (probably not in B&W terms)
The processed colour version tells a different story entirely - and very nice it is too, however; I don't think this alters the fact that the B&W version is still very valid in its own right as an image.
I'm not convinced the colour version has reached its full potential yet, it is 85% there, if mine, I'd try playing with the mid-tones in the curves tool and saturation some more - although I might end up with something too 'unsubtle' for (say) Donald.
Best regards, Dave
Beautiful composition, Tejal...I am glad you also uploaded the original shot. I like them altogether for what you were trying to achieve. The black and white wow-ed me very much when I first saw it but the coloured one gives it more colour, if you know what I mean. So really, they both work in different versions, each with its own merits.
You would. I think Tejal has also made the processed colour version too vibrant. Indeed, if I was processing the original, I would be doing very, very little to it. For me, mood is everything in an image such as this and the what Tejal has shown us a straight from the camera, has got lots of that.
Nicely captured and composed.
Hi Tejal I prefer the original color image and I completely agree with Donald's comment in post #13. IMO you processed the color version so much that it lost the mood that the original has.