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Thread: Washington DC this spring

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Washington DC this spring

    I wanted to go to India but, Washington DC is on my wife's bucket list so we decided that we will travel to our Nation's Capital in the spring. It has been many-many decades since I last visited Washington DC.

    We have not decided exactly when to go but, wish to visit after the coldest weather is over and before the heat and humidity of the summer clicks in.

    I'd like to visit during Cherry Blossom time but, realize that the area will be quite crowded during that time.

    Being retired U.S. Navy, I plan to utilize Military lodging, if possible. Price and safety is the reason for this.

    Our trip will be a combination tourist and photo venture. I will not bring all my photo gear but, will carry a decent amount. A pair of cameras, three lenses and a flash. I will also bring my monopod and my travel tripod.

    We plan to use local tours whenever possible. My wife is often reluctant to wander around at night so a night photo tour will ease her fears.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Washington DC this spring

    India gets a lot of bad press but if you are careful you can make it through without incident. My first time was trouble free until the last few days there, had a bit of stomach trouble and the majority of my meals were from hotel kitchens. Second trip was more adventurous and had quite a few standard meals and no problems at all. As far as safety, no problems at all on both visits. Haven't made it to DC yet and would eventually like to get there, both trips should be attempted if possible.

  3. #3

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    Re: Washington DC this spring

    I second John's comments regarding India,I've not been to Washinton DC so I can't ccompare the two. I've just returned from 10 weeks in Rajasthan based mostly around Jodhpur (where the Polo/riding trousers come from) and I have nothing but positives to say. I felt completely safe there and wandered alone with my 5D around my neck without ever feeling the need to hide it. Street photography was so much fun but could quickly turn into a group photo session, I have never known a country where people were so keen to get their photo taken ! As far as health issues go, a couple of basic rules- only drink bottled water/ no ice/ no raw washed foods ie salads- and you're good to go. Very friendly, hugely welcoming, tremendously interesting, and stunningly beautiful people and country.
    Go now while you still can. DC ain't going anywhere. . .

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Washington DC this spring

    As far as the cherry blossoms are concerned, I've never felt that the area is more crowded then than other times but I could be wrong. The one place that is extremely crowded when the cherry blossoms are in bloom is at the tidal basin because of the beautiful setting including the water and the Jefferson and Washington Memorials. You have to know where to park (most people who live here don't even know the best area), have to get there very early in the morning to ensure that you don't have to wait for a parking space, and you will most definitely get a parking ticket if you stay longer than the allotted time. You can instead take the metro, which will also be very crowded as you get closer and closer to the tidal basin. If I remember correctly, the closest metro stop is about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away. Alternatively, take a cab but be aware that traffic will come practically to a stop as you get close to the tidal basin. Weekends will be far worse than midweek days.

    Plan your day well on the day of the Cherry Blossom parade. That's because the parade route will of course be closed. You'll want to be on either one side of the route or the other side and happy to stay there until the parade ends because crossing the route I think is prohibited.

    It's very difficult to plan the timing of the cherry blossoms in advance. If the weather is warm, they blossom early. If it's cold, they blossom late. They usually stay on the trees a very short period of time because rain and wind that time of year nearly inevitably sends them to the ground much sooner than would otherwise happen.

    I'll mention a few touristy things to do that are not in the downtown area heavily visited by most people: Great Falls National Park, National Zoo, Washington National Cathedral (sixth largest in the world and second largest in the U.S.), the "second" air and space museum.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I've lived in the area since 1972 and am happy to help in any way I can.
    Last edited by Mike Buckley; 3rd January 2016 at 01:39 PM.

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Washington DC this spring

    I moved out of the DC area 12 years ago but lived there for a long time. I agree with Mike. For the most part, I would use the Metro system to get around. It's quite fast and has stops at or near many of the places folks want to go.

    While it is hard to know, as Mike said, when the cherry blossoms will peak, it is usually sometime close to the first week of April. You can see a list of activities here. At that time of year, sunrise is about 6:50 AM there, so if you want to catch the tidal basin in early morning light, you will probably find relatively few tourists. Rush hour will be in full swing, which will produce heavy traffic, but you shouldn't have many people on foot at that hour, I would think.

    Re Great Falls: I second that recommendation, if you want some natural beauty. Geologically, as you go up the river, the piedmont starts before you even leave the city. To see roughly where, search for 'chain bridge washington dc' without the quotes in google maps. From the bridge on up, the Potomac, which is flat and slow moving downtown, races through narrow rock gorges. Great Falls is at the top of the gorge and is a spectacular sight. It's appearance varies dramatically depending on water level. The main part of the park is on the Virginia side, but I actually like the MD side better. From the MD side, you can walk onto an island partway across, and the Maryland side is also on the C&O Canal park, which goes on for scores of miles and is a very nice walk.

    There are of course lots of interesting historical sites. And for non-photographic time, I think the collection of museums--most on or within walking distance of the Mall--is probably the best in the U.S.

    For choosing what to bring, keep in mind that the city itself is low and spread out because there are height limitations on buildings.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Larry Saideman

    Re: Washington DC this spring

    What exactly does your wife want to see? DC is great because you can so easily combine tourist interests and photography. Like the rumored perfect woman, Washington is beautiful inside and out. The Smithsonian may be a high point for her but don't forget the National Gallery of Art. There are some good restaurants not too far away. Dupont Circle is close and Georgetown is worth a stroll and a meal. What does your wife do when you are snapping? Does she take pics, too? DC is a great place to be photographed. Make sure you get someone to photograph the two of you.

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