Nice work on the edit and new image.
Thanks Manfred - I'm not convinced that is the mid-day sun this time of year as the angle of the sun is ~30 degrees lower in the sky around mid-day as compared to let say June. So although the sun would be coming from a different angle in June the equivalent time of day in June would be early morning. Still I get your point about the high angle of the sun when this photo was taken.
I think the harsh lighting/shadows are important in the shot, they work for me on an artistic level.
Agreed, Sam. The sun is a lot lower at this time of year, but I find that this means that the "golden hour" is longer. The sun can be just as harsh through the mid-day period, at least from a photography standpoint. I find I still find the lighting uninteresting and problematic from around 9:00 - 3:00, even at this time of year.
Lots of good textures on the last one, Sam...though not as interesting as the first...