Nice one Kathy but neither you nor Manfred read my statement which said 'snap' shots are for the DSLR but if you can preset the camera the P&S and Bridge camera shoot as fast, some say faster by a split second, as the DSLR.
But the style of photography has changed and everybody wants the 'snap' shot. The myth continues when it is only partly true and it does depend on subject material, so a blanket condemation of the P&S/B is really very silly IMO..
So when I went out with my Nikon 5700 I looked for shots which contained action but were within the ability of the camera.
The basic rule "know and understand how your gear works"
Another myth related is the mantra is that action needs a fast shutter speed and certain folk here keep trotting this out. I went to a couple of rugby matches with the Nikon and got the shots i planned and went for and was even lucky to get a couple which were luck.
You know what the shot is going to look like and pre-setting the camera in A mode by half triggering while focus where you want and wait for the action .... no great skill involved, just common sense application.
1/214 in A mode 100mm AoV lens
I had worse results when using my DSLR [D60] trying to capture a jet boat ... perhaps it is easier with even a 2002 bridge design.
Here I saw the situation developing and took half trigger and the action was happoening as I got the focus confirmation light and I pressed the trigger.
Makes me think the very thing, limited DoF, which Manfred goes on about militates against this sort of thing as the action stayed within the DoF although I think I was working at 280mm AOV. [ no EXIF and no file number for me to check out the original file, early stuff before I was more careful than I am today]